Mary is a near perfect example of how we should serve the Lord Jesus.
When He visited her house, she sat at His feet and washed them with perfume and then dried His feet with her hair.
It also seems that not even the disciples understood the value and meaning of the perfume that she poured out on Jesus’ head.

There is a saying that “we should give someone flowers while they are still alive”, and this is what Mary did in the form of expensive perfume.  She anointed Jesus’ body and He said that “she did it to prepare Me for burial” (Mat 26 v 12-13).

Mary’s sister, Martha, wanted to ensure their guest was treated and looked after, yet Mary wanted to spend time with the Lord, Jesus.  How privileged she was to sit at the feet of the One who came to die for the sins of the world?

Where is Jesus placed in your life?  Is He your beginning and end, first and last?  Do you long to sit at His feet and listen to His still, small voice or are you so wound up in everyday life, that you simply live past Him. 

We should be careful to become like Martha, consumed by the busyness of this world, thinking she was serving Jesus, yet we should be able to spend time with Him, like Mary did, and learn to be prepared and available when required, especially when the Lord calls us to action.

There is much to learn from Mary’s life and how she responded to Jesus.  We need to be alert and always ready to serve the Lord, but it starts with listening, for faith comes by hearing.  Pay attention to the Lord’s presence in your life and devote time every day to communicate with Him in your inner room.

Image courtesy of LUMO project |

“For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial.”

Matthew 26 v 12