
Daniel 12 v 4
"Many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase"

This passage might be interpreted in more than one way. The fact remains that as we draw near to the end times that the Bible speaks about, during these last days of mankind’s history, it is clear that the world is ready for these events prophesied about in the book of Daniel (and Revelation).

Contrary to Daniel, being told to “seal up the words“, John was told not to (Revelation 22 v 10). As Daniel’s message was meant for the future generations, John’s message was meant for a present generation. These words are still relevant today, seeing that certain events are yet to take place before Jesus returns.

Isn’t it mind boggling how knowledge has increased merely over the past couple of centuries and how it continues to increase with all the research being done in so many areas with the help of technology that is ever expanding. This could be scientific knowledge or even knowledge about end time prophesies.

Clearly people are going “back and forth“, whether this is referring to traveling or jumping between ideas about life, religion and the existence of God, one would have to investigate.

Are you ready for Christ’s eminent return? Seek Him, while He can still be found, for a time will come when it might be too late.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”