
Mat 11 v 1-19; Acts 16 v 1-15; Ps 25 v 1-22; Ex 4 v 1-6 v 30
Make Your way known to us

God made His way known to Moses and yet Moses tried everything within his power to pass the responsibility onto someone else. He was chosen by God to free His people from slavery and although He revealed His power and glory to him, he (Moses) continued to make excuses, until the Lord nominated Aaron for the task, although Moses was not exempt, for he had lessons to learn.

Are we too like Moses, wanting to do God’s will, but not so keen to submit completely? Always making excuses, thinking the Lord cannot see our motives, yet He knows our every thought! Are we honest in our dealings with God, really seeking His will or do we just give Him lip service for our conscience sake?

David wrote in Psalm 25 v 3 that “none of those who wait for the Lord will be ashamed.” [paraphrase]. Have you asked the Lord lately to reveal His way to you? Are you willing to wait on Him patiently day and night, while doing what your hand finds to do?

Although we have free will to do as we please, surely as believers we should seek the Lord’s will, shouldn’t we? Yet it is written that God will instruct us in the way we should choose (Ps 25 v 12). This does not mean we can simply do as we please, but God allows us to practice our free will as long as we fear Him and serve Him wholeheartedly.

John, the baptist prepared the way for Jesus and made Him known to the people. Jesus, Himself, made His way known to those who followed Him and yet they struggled to believe. It is written that God’s ways are not ours and we should always consult Him in our decision making, but even if we have chosen not too and things don’t work out as expected, He will make all things work together for good, for those who love Him.

There is a fine balance between using your free will to simply do as you please and using your free will to seek the Lord. Remember, we are not puppets in God’s hands. He wants children who acknowledge Him because they love Him and obey Him because He knows best. God will reveal His plans for your life in due course. Worship in spirit and truth while you wait on Him.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation