
Luke 10 v 29; Galatians 5 v 14
Love your neighbour as yourself

Who is my neighbour?

Was it a coincidence that Jesus pointed the lawyer to the the law, knowing what he would answer?

Thinking that Jesus would tell him what he wanted to hear, the lawyer’s attitude reflected his pride and although his response was correct when quoting the scriptures, one could sense his self-righteousness.

Am I judging? No, just stating the obvious and have a point with this. Do you know someone like the lawyer? We are called to love that person, even if he is full of himself. If we refuse, what does that say about our love for the Lord?

For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “you shall love your neigbour as yourself.” (Gal 5 v 14)

We do not know if the lawyer adhered to Jesus’ instruction, but what we learn from this is the following;
1. Sometimes we justify our actions and lack of compassion
2. We are often selective when talking about who our “neighour” is
3. One does not always meet the needs of others, when required to do so

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