Life and teachings of Jesus
Giving to the poor (needy)
How often have you heard about someone giving to a needy person or cause and it is broadcasted on the radio? This is the total opposite of what Jesus taught. He uses a very practical and vivid example. Do not let your one hand know what the other hand is doing. Sounds impossible, doesn’t it. The point is this. Give in such a manner that no one knows about it, in order not to be noticed by men. For ultimately whenever you give to someone in need, you are giving to the Lord anyway and in no need of being in anyone’s favour.
How to pray
The same principle applies to prayer. Avoid seeking attention when praying, while using big words and repeating mantras. The Lord calls this hypocrisy. He instructs us to enter our “inner room” and from a spiritual point of view it can also be considered our heart, for the Lord knows our every thought and need, but still wants us to meet with Him in fellowship. He gave us the Lord’s Prayer as a guideline, although it covers everything we deal with on a daily basis and also require to have communion with Him.
Have you ever fasted? Is this something that you are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with? Usually people from other religions (not that I classify our faith as a religion when referring to “other”) make it known that they are busy with fasting and it is usually a fixed period. Again fasting should be done is such a way that we do not flaunt it and draw the attention to us. It should never be about us. Why would you fast if the intention is not to focus on the Lord? This too can be seen as hypocrisy.
Seeking wealth
Jesus is very clear about serving Him and even compares wealth (Mammon) to a master. We know how someone’s riches can easily become their god. It is also written that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. It must be difficult to let go of your possessions as the rich man, who was told by Jesus to sell everything he had, turned around and walked away, because he couldn’t imagine giving up everything he had. Do not be blinded by the pursuit for wealth. God will provide in our daily needs if we put our trust in Him. The riches of this world will pass away but our faith in the Lord will last an eternity.
The cure for anxiety
Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives, what we will eat, drink or wear and that there is more to life than the material. Having said that, He knows our needs and just as He sustains His creation, He will look after us, but we should first seek Him with our whole being and all the rest will be taken care of. Each day brings along its own challenges. Submit to the Lord, give over to Him and put your trust and hope in Him, who has made you in His image.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. Not that we deserve anything good, but because He is good and righteous, loving and caring and offers us His grace on a daily basis.
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