Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Day 3
Mark 1 v 1 - 45

John the baptist set the stage for Jesus, “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Vers 4), just as it was prophesied in Isaiah and although he didn’t feel worthy to baptize Jesus, he was instructed to do so, according to the scriptures (Matt 3 v 14).

Can you imagine, being John, baptizing the Messiah or being invited by the Creator of the universe, to leave everything behind and join Him on His journey? These men who Jesus appointed, experienced the power of God, first hand.

Even though Jesus healed the sick and demon possessed, He didn’t consider His ministry a “healing crusade” and makes it very clear in vers 38 that He came to preach, and through that not only heal people physically but spiritually.

Even the leper asked Jesus that if He (Jesus) was willing, He could cleanse Him. Not instructing Jesus, not expecting nor demanding, but requesting instead, knowing He was able, and therefore received healing, acknowledging Jesus’ power, but also surrendering to His will.

May we too, like this man, have the faith that Jesus can heal us, but first and foremost seek healing for our soul. I pray that the Lord will restore and renew your spirit, if you are longing for fellowship with Him, but drawn to the things of the world.

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