
Day 2
Luke 2 v 1 - 52

There are probably more details surrounding the birth of Jesus than His whole childhood, but it is clear that from a young age He was drawn to the temple and had an exceptional understanding of the things of God.

He must have known and observed the very law He would soon fulfill, by becoming a sacrifice for us. This might seem irrational to many, that God would allow for His Son to be punished for all the wrong doings of those He created. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Jesus was dedicated to the Lord, as was the custom, while offering a sacrifice in the form of two pigeons. Seems small and almost insignificant in comparison with His sacrifice and there is still no offering that can compare, till this day.

The Good news of our Saviour’s birth is celebrated once a year, but we should celebrate Him every day that we have breath for He not only gave us new life, but also gave us something to live for, the hope that is within us – as children of God – will not disappoint.

He came into the world not to condemn, but to save (John 3 v 17). Not for the righteous, but sinners (Luke 5 v 32), so that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10 v 13). Blessed is he, who hears the words of the Lord and responds to them.

Thank you Lord Jesus, for associating yourself with sinners and ultimately becoming sin so we may be forgiven for ours.

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