Join us on this journey, while we take an in depth look at the life of our Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Born of a virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit, He lived an ordinary life, yet his teachings were extraordinary.


Day 1
Luke 1 v 1 - 80

If Zacharias needed confirmation to believe what was said to him, after the angel appeared to him, how much more would we require assurance in this day and age we live in?

Our assurance lies in the fact that the events captured in the bible are true, as proven by historians from all walks of life. We can therefore rely on the eyewitness accounts and as a result the “authenticity” of the scriptures, knowing that they have been accurately copied over the centuries.

This is important to understand, because many do not believe, as the bible is seen as a fabrication and there is no other way then to know “God” and for this reason it must all be made up. How does this relate to the reading plan, you may ask?

There is an abundance of evidence to show that Jesus lived as a man, taught the masses, died on a cross and rose again. This introduction is crucial, knowing that the magnitude of prophecies surrounding the coming of the Messiah have all come to pass and if they are true, surely the reliability of the rest of the prophecies should be considered.

Let us prepare ourselves in prayer for what is to come next and be reminded that Jesus is who He said He was and forever will be.

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