
Mat 1 v 1-17; Acts 1 v 1-11; Ps 1 v 1-2 v 12; Gen 1 v 1-2 v 25
Let there be "life"

God gave us life when He created us and it must have been an amazing experience to have such an intimate relationship with one’s Creator as Adam (and Eve) did.

Then man fell and it would take many years for God’s plan of redemption to be fulfilled, with the coming of our Messiah, in order to restore the life that was given to us in the beginning.

He is the way, the truth, and the life and no one, not a single person, can come to the Father and experience His saving grace, except through Jesus. He was crucified, raised from the dead and ascended to the Father from where He will return as it was prophesied.

We are called to serve and worship the Lord, meditate on His word, day and night, and keep His commandments. Only then will we have a fruitful life, filled with joy, complete in every way.

Let us start today and fix our eyes on Jesus. Put your hope, trust and faith in Him. He will give you everlasting life when we transition from this life to the next.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation