
Numbers 30 v 1 - 2; Matthew 5 v 33 - 37
Keep your word

How many promises have you and I made to others and the Lord that have not come to pass, yet we expect the Lord and others to keep their word?

It was a serious offense in the Old Testament to break a promise and today it seems that keeping one’s word has become a scarce commodity. What is breaking a promise anything other than lying?

If a man makes a vow to the the Lord, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” (Num 30 v 1 – 2)

Jesus even quoted the above scripture and added onto it by saying that we should not make any oath, because our word should be enough (Matt 5 v 34 – 37). Unfortunately we live in a fallen world and the society has become untrustworthy.

Do you always have to end off a statement saying “I promise“, “you can trust me” or “my word is my bond“? Jesus said, let your Yes, be yes and let your No, be no. People should see that you are reliable and trustworthy and failing to keep your word, damages your testimony.

Remember, trust is earned. Due to the fallen nature of man even we as believers should not blindly take someone at their word, especially if we do not know them well enough, and even if we do one should be “wise as a serpent and innocent [righteous] as a dove” [paraphrase] (Matt 10 v 15).

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