
Genesis 45 v 3 - 5
Joseph's kindness, compassion and forgiveness

Joseph had every reason to be angry with his brothers and was in a position to avenge what they had done to him, but instead of vindicating himself, he embraced them.

They had no idea how their actions would pan out, after throwing him into a pit and selling him to the Ishmaelites. God, knowing their hearts and knowing the outcome had a greater plan with Joseph, who would end up serving under the Pharaoh in Egypt as a ruler over the land.

How many times do we make decisions, not knowing the end result, yet consciously we go ahead, knowing it’s the wrong thing to do? Even though we might have disobeyed God, by ignoring His conviction, He is still able to make everything work for the good of those who love Him.

Have you been a victim of a selfish act? Do not be dismayed. The Lord knows your thoughts and the intentions of your heart and even though the heart is “deceitful and desperately wicked”, the Lord has compassion for those who seek Him with their whole heart.

Therefore, the vengeance is the Lord’s. We are not called to pay back evil with evil, but instead, we are called to forgive, like Joseph did – even seventy times seven! Are there people you need to forgive? Today is the day to allow the Spirit to soften your heart and heal you from the pain that might have been caused by someone else’s wrongful motives.

If you require prayer, feel free to submit your request and allow other believers to pray for you as we are called to carry each others’ burdens. May the Lord give you comfort during your trials and tribulations.