Can you imagine what Joseph must have thought when the news broke of Mary’s pregnancy?

It must have been very difficult for a man of such strong beliefs and willingness to suffer for those beliefs, especially coming from his background.

For Joseph, doing the right thing was only half the battle won. He strove to also do things in the right way and because of his integrity and respect for Mary, made the decision to enter into marriage with her, but not before a messenger of God appeared to him, collaborating Mary’s story.

Indeed, the child she carried would be of virgin birth. Something foreign to any human being that understands the basics of procreation. God, the Father, through His spirit would bring to life His son, in the form of Jesus.

Joseph would become Jesus’ earthly father and although he didn’t see the full picture yet, he knew that there was something extraordinary about this child. Jesus grew up under the guidance of Joseph and continued to follow the Jewish tradition during His adult years.

Joseph was willing to obey the Lord’s instruction and put his feelings aside to honour God. He came from a humble background as a carpenter and taught Jesus the trade of carpentry, showing us that status and social position is of little to no importance to God when He wants to use someone for His glory.

Joseph, who was a righteous man is also called “son of David”, which proves that he is a descendant of David and this also confirms the prophesies pertaining to Jesus. He would be born of a virgin, from the line of King David.

We are taught an important life lesson from the little we read about Joseph. Your feelings might seem ligate to you, but they shouldn’t dictate and become the determining factor for what is right or wrong as God’s laws already state this.

Are you prepared to put your feelings aside for the sake of God’s will? Do not allow your emotions to dictate how and when you should obey the Lord. Follow in Joseph’s footsteps and allow God to use you, regardless of your background and current position.

God uses those that are broken to fulfill His plans and even when things seem impossible, God will make a way.

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

Matthew 1 v 21