
Jonah 1 v 1 - 3
"But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord..."

Like Jonah, we too “flee” from our responsibilities every now and then. Has the Lord called you for a specific purpose, yet you choose to shy away from your calling?

Do you make excuses like Moses did? Do you tell the Lord you are not good enough, that you are a terrible speaker and not qualified? Jonah made a conscious decision to run away from God and look where he ended up…

God takes disobedience seriously. This was in fact, the first sin committed against him, by man, when Adam and Eve disobeyed His instruction. May we learn from the past mistakes these men (and woman) of God made, in order not to miss out on the opportunities to further His heavenly kingdom.

Take up your cross and follow Him, be prepared, be available and be willing to go where you have not expected to journey. God will lead you into all truth through His Spirit, our mediator.

My prayer today is that you will open up your mind and heart to the Lords instruction. May He soften your heart so that you will become receptive to His still small voice. You’ll be surprised what the Lord can achieve in your life if you just give Him a chance.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”