
Day 3
Psalms 91 v 1 – 16; Luke 8 v 4 – 8; Luke 8 v 11 – 15

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Ps 91 v 1)

Does it feel like you are lacking the spiritual maturity some people seem to display and the harder you try to seek God the further away He appears to be… What does it mean then to make the Lord your refuge and the Most High your dwelling place? (vers 9)

Have you received the word with an honest and good heart? Do you hold onto it, bearing fruits of perseverance, knowing that only the Lord can cause growth through the work of His Spirit? (Luke 8 v 15)

What I have learnt from my walk with the Lord is this. You need to draw near to Him daily and even hourly… But there’s more to it than just reading your bible and praying random and repetitive prayers. Abiding in Christ, means to become Christ-like, i.e. having the mind of Christ and living according to His commandments.

It goes further. We need to put our trust, hope and faith in Him and Him alone or else we will be like the seed that fell on the rocky soil and among the thorns or even worse, like the seed that fell on the side of the road. Having heard the truth, we allow the devil to deceive us and convince us we are better off without “religion”.

I urge you to stand still for a moment today and evaluate your life. Whether you have been a believer for many years or seeking the Lord, can you honestly say that their is meaning to this life, without absolute truth, knowing that you were created by a loving, caring and merciful God?

God promises to protect you and deliver you from evil, while comforting you, when in trouble. Unbelief and lack of trust (in Him) on our part is what causes us to doubt, not His inability to take care of us.

Look at it like this. If you tell your child not to do something that can cause them harm, and they continue to do it and “burn their fingers”, it’s not due to a lack of care that they get hurt, but due to the lack of trust and believing what their parents said.

For this reason we should submit to God and allow His Spirit to teach us and guide us in our daily walk with Christ, our Redeemer. He sustains us and He gives our lives meaning.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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