
Mat 3 v 13-17; Acts 4 v 1-22; Ps 6 v 1-10; Gen 15 v 1 - 17 v 27
Jesus, the resurrected Christ

The apostles preached the resurrected Christ, who allowed himself to be baptized by a man, in order “to fulfill all righteousness” and in Him we have been circumcised, through putting away our sinful nature, with the circumcision [of our hearts], performed by Christ and not by human hands.

Through baptism, we have been buried with him, in which we were also raised with him through our faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. (Col 2 v 12) [paraphrase]

We too, will not taste death, should we hold fast to our faith in Jesus and complete this race in order to be united with Him, should we pass on to the next life or when He returns. Therefore, you should pray continuously that God will rescue your soul and dry up every tear, for Jesus has overcome death and there is no need for us to be dismayed.

Abraham and his descendants have endured much for us to experience the saving grace of the Messiah. Think about it. God could have descended in any form at any time and yet He chose to come in the form of a man, when He did. The only man to be called Jesus Christ, because He is the anointed One.

Thanks be to the living God who rescued us from imminent death and seperation from Him. Let us make a conscious decision to live for Him, knowing that we have been saved, we are being saved and we will be saved from this world, whether individually as believers or collectively as his church, of whom Christ is the head.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation