
Psalm 147
Humble yourselves before the Lord

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.”

The Lord favours those who fear Him, those who wait for His loving kindness.” (vers 11)

How do you define humility? Is it just one single attribute or a combination of characteristics? We are sometimes quick to say that someone is humble, simply because of something they might have said or done, but humility entails more than that.

I believe humility starts with reverence for the Lord. Loving Him and fearing Him above all and acknowledging that you are dependent on Him for every breath. The natural result of your love for Him, will then allow you to love others, i.e. EVERYONE ELSE as you would want to be loved and treated.

God does not delight in our own skills and achievements, especially if it is for our own edification instead of His glory. He delights in genuine obedience, fellowship and a heart longing after Him. Have we become so busy with our work, that God no longer has a place in our lives, except for Sunday church service or the odd bible study?

It seems that if there ever was a time to humble ourselves before the Lord, it is now! We need to return back to the basics of what it means to be a child of God, seeking our First Love. Do you recall the time you were saved or baptized? It was a humbling experience, wasn’t it? That overwhelming realization that God is bigger than we could ever have imagined.

My prayer is that you will take the time… pause for a moment… and allow the Lord to penetrate your thoughts and heart, so that you can experience His loving kindness. He is the One who sustains you. He is the One who heals. He is faithful and steadfast.

Let us give God His rightful place in our lives again, relying on Him and not our own strength, for He maintains His creation and doesn’t require us to approve, yet He longs after fellowship with His sons and daughters.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation