
Mat 19 v 1-15; Acts 26 v 1-18; Ps 42 v 1-11; Lev 14 v 1-15 v 33
Hope in God, for He is able

Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” (Ps 42 v 5)

The people of God placed their hope in the coming Messiah, although in many ways for the wrong reasons, while David and Paul also placed their hope in the Lord for deliverance, they also put their trust in the Lord, regardless the outcome.

Why do you hope and trust in the Lord?

If it is purely to have Him change your circumstances, you are deceived. God is able to deliver us from our dire situation we might find ourselves in and He will also change your circumstances, should He wish to do so, BUT He is not obliged to do anything.

If you earnestly seek the Lord with all your heart and you place your hope and trust in Him, because you have reached a point where you have become hopeless due to your circumstances and everyone you have trusted has let you down, He will comfort you and His grace will be sufficient.

Will He necessarily change your circumstances? Perhaps He will, maybe He won’t. He is God and if we are to be called sons and daughters of the King, we should have unconditional faith in Him, that He will make all things work together for good, regardless of the outcome.

We should have an attitude of gratitude. “If we win, we praise God, if we lose, We praise Him” Although He is able to turn our situation around so that we do not suffer, He allows trials and tribulation for us to grow and mature in our faith. This life is not and should not be about our comfort, but about learning….

Learning how to trust the Lord in everything. Learning to listen to God, tuning in to His still, small voice. Learning to love Him and those around us. Learning to be humble and serve God and others with kindness. The list goes on…

Take a moment out of your busy schedule today. Praise the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever. His lovingkindness is never ending and above all, He has saved us from certain death and for that reason we should be willing to suffer momentarily for the sake of His Name.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation