
Scripture for today refers to Psalm 15 v 4
Honour those who fear the Lord

How do we honor those who fear the Lord and do His work?

As a verb, to honour someone is to have regard for them with great respect and this can be seen in Acts 28 v 10, during their stay as well as when Paul and the others leave the Island. Does this mean we should treat them as “gods?” Off course not. Think of it this way…

Do you know of someone who is a “labourer in God’s kingdom“, perhaps a missionary like Paul? Ever thought of assisting them and providing in their needs? Does this mean one should simply give money to anyone claiming to be an evangelist? Is this what God expects? Tough questions, don’t you think? Perhaps a topic of discussion for another day…

Perhaps this passage will help, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9 v 7) [NKJV]

How does this tie in with honouring someone? I believe God calls people to preach the gospel, and in most cases it is in front of hostile audiences, whether in a city square or on a university campus and many times in off the chart, rural areas, where no one really wants to go.

We can honor those people by offering our help in any way deemed necessary and through any means available to us. This could simply be by providing a lunch or offering over night accommodation or even assisting with travel expenses.

Honouring those who fear the Lord shouldn’t be a burden and cause you to simply give for the sake of your conscience. One can simply honour these men and woman. by allowing them to defend the gospel and preach the good news to those willing to listen.

Always pray about your responsibility in this regard and ask the Lord for guidance. If you ask in His Name, for His sake, He will press it on your heart and you will know how to respond.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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