The HeartCry Missionary Society began in 1988 in the country of Peru with a desire to aid indigenous or native missionaries so that they might reach their peoples and establish biblical churches among them. Since then, the Lord has expanded our borders to include not only Latin America, but also Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Paul Washer has dedicated much of his time and resources during his involvement with HeartCry Missionary and we can learn a lot from his dedication to the great commission of preaching the truth of the gospel to those who are not only remote and uninformed, but also those who are persecuted for their faith in Christ.

Listen to how Paul shares this truth with a spirit filled heart and almost always focusses on living a holy life dedicated to God!

Weak but dependent on God

Signs of demonic activity & apostasy in the church

The great falling away | 1 Timothy 4 v 1-5

2002 Youth Evangelism Conference | A classic presentation

The mentally unstable Christian | Sermon jam

Why the world hates true Christianity | Clip

A living sacrifice

Dealing with ongoing sin

Paul Washer on tongues | Is it for today?

The will of God: Your sanctification | Christ Church Radford

End Time Church: The great falling away | David Wilkerson & Paul Washer

A living and Holy Sacrifice | Romans 12 v 1-2

This is war

How to grow in love for God | Romans 12

Are you a virtuous woman? | Sermon jam

My hope is not in myself but in Christ

The way God loves you

Pray and be alone with God | Heartcry conference 2006

How to become a man of prayer

How to abide in Christ

Are you truly saved? | Sermon at Grace Community Church

Come unto me | Matthew 11

Faith alone

Learn to leave things in God’s hands

Sexual immorality | Part 1 | Christ Church Radford

The gift nobody wants

Do you desire God?

False teachers in the church

Biblical marriage | Part 1

Being conformed to the image of Christ | Steadfast Conference 2019

God’s judgment, hell and John 15

What does it mean to glorify God?

Die to self, surrender to Christ

Laying a proper foundation for worship | G3 2020

Christ’s mission, Christ’s way | Shepherd’s Conference 2020

Let all loneliness and fear be broken off you

A young man’s attitude towards women

Regeneration vs Decisionism

What is the Gospel?

Are you ready for a relationship?

Who do you say Jesus is?

The true servant of Christ | Part 2 | Christ Church Radford

Regeneration | Ezekiel 36

The gospel of Jesus Christ | Impact Bible Conference 2015

Dating, courtship and marriage

God’s holiness and man’s depravity

Clothed with power from on High

The ever-present danger of apostasy | G3 Conference 2017

Biblical missions

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