Ps 72 v 1-20

He who delivers the needy

He rescues the poor who call to him, and those who are needy and neglected. He has pity on the weak and poor; he saves the lives of those in need. He rescues them from oppression and violence; their lives are precious to him.” (vers 12-14) [GNT]

Who is he?

Although this might refer to an earthly king, it is also a type of, and reflects to God. He who delivers the needy, He who has compassion and He who saves us from certain death. He alone works wonders and make all things work together for good.

He will deliver

An earthly king might rescue us from the hands of an oppressor, but God is the only One who is able to deliver us from evil and certain devastation. After all, He has already overcome and stands victorious, even though we might not yet see this when looking at the current state of the world as we know it.

He will have compassion

The attributes ascribed to God, cannot even begin to describe the nature of His character. What we know as “the fruit of the Spirit” is the very essence of His nature. The bible says that “God is love” and a loving God, also shows compassion to those who are poor, whether in material things or in spirit, He will comfort you in your times of need.

He will save

Have you ever been in a situation where you were literally drowning, while being thrown a life jacket, and thinking – is that the best you can do? I am DROWNING! – and then realising, that you have to grab onto it. Is it any different with God?

Can He force His salvation on you? Absolutely NOT! He who delivers the needy, is a loving and sincere God. He reaches out to you on many occasions and you might see how He is working over time to save you from your destructive nature, but it is (still) up to you to allow Him to pull you from the depths of the raging waters.

Take a hold of His hand, from His outstretched arm, and never let go, for He will neither leave you, nor forsake you!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay