Day 3
Deut 7 v 6-9
Rom 5 v 1-21

I would like to spend some time today in prayer before sharing my thoughts on the passages for day 3. Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing that God’s grace is sufficient and we can come to Him as broken as we are. My prayer is that He will strengthen our faith through His word and Spirit which dwells in us. Amen

So here are my thoughts on today’s passages…  God is faithful, yet His faithfulness and love (and subsequently His grace) is not unconditional.  We are required to keep His commandments and so we should as believers.  Because of the transgression of one man we were destined to be seperated from God forever but through the selfless act of Jesus we received God’s grace and as a result have been made righteous. 

If it wasn’t for the law, exposing our fallen nature, we wouldn’t be able to acknowledge the need for a saviour.  Thank you Lord Jesus for your saving grace, through your death we have been justified. Help us to live a holy, sanctified life.  Cleanse us from all the filth of this world.  May your Name be glorified in heaven and on earth.  Amen

Day 4
Deut 9 v 1-6
Heb 9 v 11-28
Rev 3 v 17-22

… and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness…  Heb 9 v 22

The secular world is blinded by the fact that forgiveness is not needed because according to majority, man is inherently good and therefore many deny the blood of Christ cleansing us from all sin, once and for all.  If not for His sacrifice, would we still be offering animals, whose blood only cleansed those outwardly that were “ceremonially unclean”?  How much more then will the blood of Christ cleanse our consciences?  Vers 14.

Not through out righteousness, but through the grace of God we can overcome and be victorious over our enemy.  Through the grace of God we will sit down with Him at the wedding feast if we remain faithful. Amen

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