
Psalm 107 v 1
God's loving kindness is everlasting

Can we even begin to comprehend the goodness, kindness and magnitude of the Lord and how do we give thanks to the One who saved us and provides in our needs?

God does not need our praises and thank yous, yet He longs for fellowship with His children, the same way a parent does. Waiting for the child to come to them, sit on their lap and spend quality time with them. Not rushed to get back to their life and the many distractions this world has on offer, packaged and displayed in such a way that is irresistible to the flesh.

So how do we give thanks then for His goodness and loving kindness? Is a simple thank you enough? Perhaps a quick prayer to praise His wonderful Name or a worship song would do? I’m afraid that won’t cut it, if your heart is not in it.

The only way (in my opinion) we can say thank you is by living a life dedicated to the Lord, willing to sacrifice the wants and being content with what you have, knowing that He will give you your daily bread for the body as well as the spirit.

A life dedicated to the Lord, also means a life lived in obedience. This is pleasing to the Lord. Thank yous and “praise and worship” is not a single thing, uttered when we attend church or bible study. It entails a lifestyle of thanksgiving, continually praising Him, as a living testimony in your work and interaction with others.

Bless the Lord today. Thank Him for the “riches” you have received. Then, continue to bless Him and thank Him by living a life according to His instruction. You will prosper in your relationship with Him and others. The rest will be looked after. Just wait and see.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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