
Mat 23 v 1-12; Rom 5 v 1-11; Ps 53 v 1-6; Num 12 v 1-14 v 45
God is my Teacher

But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.” (Mat 23 v 8)

Who is your Teacher, your Father and your Leader? Do you depend on men to teach you the things of God, or do you rely on the Spirit to reveal the deeper meaning of Jesus’ teachings?

Be careful of spiritual or religious figures who expect to be called pastor, father or leader, for God is our Heavenly Father and Christ is our Leader, the Head of the Church.

Man is fallen and corrupt and is bound to disappoint, while God is righteous, consistent and reliable. He has “demonstrated His own love toward us” (Rom 5 v 8) sacrificing part of Himself to reconcile us with Him. He knows our challenges, weaknesses and deepest hurt. Don’t you think we should rather put our trust and our hope in Him, instead of a man?

The Lord is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity and transgressions…” (Num 14 v 18). God is patient, but He is also just and fair, He pardons those who repent and seek His forgiveness and He rebukes His children like a parent would if they truly loved their children.

An incorrupt Teacher, a loving Father and a true Leader – these are the attributes of the God of the bible in the persons of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Three in One and One in three. How can we even begin to comprehend Thee?!

Allow God’s Spirit to reveal the treasures of His kingdom to you today. Seek His uncompromising truth in the Scriptures and let Him teach you His truths, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation