
My prayer is that the Lord will soften our hearts so that we will not become susceptible to this sin of un-forgiveness, whilst becoming bitter as a result.  May the Spirit guard our hearts so that the Lord’s unfailing love will cover a multitude of sins.

Day 1
Mat 9 v 1-8
Mat 18 v 23-35
Col 3 v 12-17

Col 3 v 12-13

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

It seems to me forgiveness is an instruction and in the absence of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience there cannot be any forgiveness.  Like Jesus said “… which is easier to say?”  Let’s choose to forgive as we have already been forgiven and granted God’s grace. 

Heavenly Father.  Thank you for changing our hearts and through that our fallen nature.  Please remove any notion of unforgiveness that may still be present in our lives, whether in ourselves, our loved ones, a colleague or even a neighbour.

Day 2
Mat 6 v 9-15
1 Jon 1 v 5-10
Jam 5 v 15-20

It is clear from 1 John 5 v 8-9 that if we do not acknowledge we have sinned we are deceived and lack His truth, but if we confess our sins before the Father, He is faithful and will forgive us our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.  It is conditional though…  if we are not willing to forgive others, our Heavenly Father will also not forgive us our transgressions (Mat 6 v 14-15). 

One might say we have been forgiven through his death and that is true, upon accepting His grace, but we are still bound to the flesh and find ourselves in a fallen world which is clearly evident when we look at people around us – believers and non-believers alike.  No wonder Jesus says we have to forgive “seventy times seven”!

Day 3
Acts 5 v 17-32
Heb 10 v 5-18

The forgiveness of sin is no longer as a result of sacrifices and burnt offerings as we know, but a repentant heart instead (Heb 10 v 5-6).  Therefore do not harden your hearts brothers even though someone might have hurt you.  The secret lies in overcoming the pride we all have hidden underneath the surface.  Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all sin and He died once for all.  Thank you Lord for your perfect sacrifice.

Day 4
Ps 32 v 1-11
2 Cor 2 v 5-11
Luke 6 v 37-42

How blessed are we if our trangressions have been forgiven…  and the Lord will forgive us our sins should we acknowledge, confess and seek forgiveness (Ps 32 v 1, 5&6).  The question that now comes to mind is this:  if the Lord is willing to forgive us ALL our sins, who are we not to forgive?! 

May we not be labelled hypocrites, who are quick to point fingers, quick to judge and always blaming others, yet we do it from behind “closed doors” where no one can see us.  If we pardon others, the Lord will pardon us (Luke 6 v 37).

Let us therefore be glad in the Lord, and rejoice as righteousness ones.  Let us shout for joy as ones who are UPRIGHT IN HEART (Ps 32 v 11). 

Dear brothers.  My prayer today is that we will be bold, yet humble enough to seek forgiveness, not only from the Lord but also from those whom we have hurt and also be willing to forgive those who have hurt us.  If there is any unforgiveness in our hearts we only harm ourselves and it has a negative impact in our walk with the Lord.  There is this saying that unforgiveness eats away at you like a cancer.  Do not allow this sin to rule (y)our lives.  Glory to God in the Highest!

Day 5
Ps 25 v 1-22
Acts 13 v 38-43

Brothers, I trust you have also been blessed by this reading plan.  Remain HUMBLE for the Lord will continue to teach you His way.  Continue to FEAR the Lord and He will instruct you in the way you should choose (Ps 25) Forgive and seek forgiveness, be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1 v 19).  Know that we will be judged with the same measure we judge others, so be sure to take the log out of your own eye first, before trying to see the speck in your brother’s eye.  Show compassion, love others as yourself and God above all things and your soul will prosper!

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