Hebrews 4 v 1-3; v 11

We should ask ourselves every day if we have entered His rest.  Are we at peace with God?  How often do we provoke the Lord?  Tough questions…  We all fall short of His glory, yet He offers grace in abundance.  Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest by seeking forgiveness for our disobedience, because ultimately that is our downfall – just as Adam and Eve fell – so we fall each day.  My prayer for us is that we will be honest and real with the Lord.  Do not harden your hearts brothers.  Listen to the still small voice.  Do not quench the Spirit and above all.  Allow the Lord to guide your every step.  May you have a peaceful and blessed day

As Isaac laid on the altar made

So here I am willing to be changed At the altar, at the altar

As a living sacrifice, Lord I give You my whole life Let Your fire consume of all of me

Refine me Lord at the altar now

To Your altar, Lord here I come!

So I run to the altar, the cross where the Lamb was slain I fall down at the altar where forever I am changed

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