
2 Timothy 2 v 25 - 26
Do not despise a "reprobate"

Yesterday we discussed what it meant to “take up a reproach” in the general sense, although the below scripture also refers to one who despises someone who is a “reprobate“. Let’s have a look at what the bible says.

Psalm 15 v 3 – 4
“….. nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a reprobate is despised….”

This can so easily be misunderstood and misinterpreted as it seemingly refers to those who are apparently not of the “elect” and predestined to damnation as some might believe.

This couldn’t be further from the truth! We are instructed to correct those who are “in opposition” with gentleness (vers 25). We have a huge role and responsibility, when sharing the truth of God’s Word and the manner in which we do it, can either turn people to God or away from Him.

Do not think for a moment ANYONE is beyond saving. God will grant those who repent and turn to Him for salvation His undeserved favour and this is what His Word says. His grace is available for all people! Your kindness and patience could be a deciding factor when dealing with a person who is confused about the truth and seeking answers about their purpose in life.

Those who have not yet accepted God’s truth are held captive by satan, without even knowing it (vers 26). Being hard on them and making them feel they are damned and without hope, because of your approach, can cause them to run away! Trust me. I have personal experience with this.

Instead of having foolish arguments and quarrels about doctrines that are not essential for someone to “come to the knowledge of the truth“, rather focus on why it makes sense to know God and make known to them the God of the bible, who is a personal God. Yes, He is righteous and just, but also loving and kind.

Give people hope for tomorrow. Everyone is searching. Help them find their way and remember, not all who wander are lost.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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