Psalm 70 v 1-5

Deliverance from affliction

But I am afflicted and needy; Hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer.” (vers 5)

Are you still paying dearly for a decision that you made many years ago?
Do you feel “afflicted and needy”, seeking and praying for deliverance from the affliction you are experiencing?

God often seems occupied and His intervention delayed.
Is He obliged to come to our rescue? If He doesn’t interfere and allows us to practice our free will, why would He then intervene in order to change our situation?

Question upon question

Until now you have probably only been able to asked the Lord “Why?” and questioned your own faith all along. The time has come to be still and realise that God is who He says He is. He is the Great, I AM and able to deliver you from the hands of your enemies.

Is it a matter of having more faith or is it simply a case of handing over your fears and worries so God can go at work?
Deliverance from your affliction can only occur when you allow God to fight the battle on your behalf. If we constantly interfere and do things our way, or even worse, prescribe how He should go about doing what He knows best, we will continue to remain stuck in our dismal situation.

“Let go and let God”

Sounds like a cliché by now, right?
Deliverance from affliction is not a matter of God helping those who can help themselves, also something that won’t take us very far, seeing that we got ourselves in this mess in the first place.

There is hope though.
God can cause any situation to work for the good of those who love Him with their whole being, notwithstanding the fact that we tend to wander off course, every now and then.

If the above is a reflection of your current circumstances and you have reached a breaking point, where giving up and giving in seems like the only solution, not knowing what the outcome will be, this prayer is for you.

A prayer for deliverance

I pray that regardless of the reason and whether it was by your own doing, that the Lord may end your suffering today. If there are lessons to be learnt, then let the time be shortened, if you are willing to turn to God and walk in His ways. Let those who have ashamed, humiliated, dishonored and hurt you, be dealt with swiftly. We also ask that the Lord soften their hearts, in order for them to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Child of God – turn to the Lord today and seek forgiveness, where forgiveness is needed. Also forgive those who have transgressed against you and allow the Lord of all creation to renew your heart and heal your soul. Amen

Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation