
Mat 27 v 1-10; Rom 12 v 1-8
Dedication through transformation

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12 v 2)

How do you worship as a believer and are you dedicated to serving God and others with your gifts, or do you simply attend fellowship once a week and consider that to be sufficient?

Many of us were raised in a culture of “Churchianity” where attending church once a week on a Sunday was the norm, while the rest of the week would be dedicated to work, leisure and family life. There is also the flip side to this. Just look at Judas. He walked with the Lord Jesus as a disciple, yet his heart was far removed from him and it seems that he had a predisposition towards money which proved the point that you cannot serve God and mammon.

If I understand it correctly, there should be a renewing of one’s mind when coming to faith in Christ. Everything changes, from the way you think and reason to the way you behave, regardless of where you are and the company you find yourself in. Whether you lead, through teaching or follow through serving, we ought to do what is “good and acceptable and perfect” in the sight of God.

Are you dedicated to transform into a being that loves the Lord wholeheartedly, committed to proclaiming His good news and treating others with kindness and grace or are you simply satisfied with having a form of godliness, showing up on a Sunday as a passive listener? God instructs us to be doers of His word. Our life should be dedicated to Him in obedience, seeking His will and not our own. We should bear each other’s burdens, praying continually, while living holy lives.

Often, this transformation goes hand in hand with a cleansing process through fire and if you are willing to follow the Lord Jesus and trust in Him for your salvation and provision, then you will experience hardship in many ways. The reward cannot be seen in this lifetime, although the fruits will multiply if you remain faithful.

If you are seeking the Lord today, whether you are being called out of religion as a “good person” or your life might be falling apart, allow the Lord to transform your thinking. He has to break that which has kept you from His presence. The pride that is in all of us, always lurking and just waiting to stick out its ugly face.

May the Lord soften your heart, so that you will be receptive to the working of His Spirit. Something that seems foolish to the world, which the natural man does not understand. Thanks to the Lord our God for His faithfulness and His love that endures forever.

God is dedicated to saving you. Are you willing to be saved?

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation