
Proverbs 11 v 1
Deal honestly and fairly

“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” (Prov 11 v 1)

Can you honestly say all your business dealings have been fair?

This does not only apply when one has their own business, but involves all business transactions. Have you ever been charged less for your purchase due to the cashier not scanning an item or punching in the wrong price and then decide to ignore their mistake? Have you ever sold a car for more than it’s value, especially knowing it was faulty and didn’t mention it to the potential buyer?

If you have seen the movie “Flywheel” this is exactly what happens. The owner of a second hand car dealership, cheats his customers by over charging them. He is convicted, finds the Lord and decides to turn a new leaf. You will have to see for yourself what happens and note that there are always consequences for your actions.

Dealing honestly and fairly in ALL transactions is non-negotiable when you are a child of God. We cannot be honest with others if we haven’t been honest with God first. Simon Peter said he would lay down his life for the Lord and denied Him (Jesus) three times before the rooster crowed (John 13 v 37 – 38)

How is this relevant you might ask? You may just as well lie to the potential buyer three times, after being asked if the vehicle was faulty, before sealing the deal. Do not be fooled in thinking that dishonesty will make you wealthy at the cost of the next person’s hard earned money and their lively hood.

Honesty is policy! You might not get rich, but that should not be your ultimate goal. Doing business and earning a living should be a means to an end, but when the means become the end in itself, i.e. you end up chasing after the dream, at all and any cost, so to speak and lose focus of the Lord and your purpose.

Deal honestly and fairly, simply because it’s the right thing to do!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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