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Who is Jesus, really?

There are so many, seemingly contradicting and even controversial views of who the person of Jesus (really) is, that we thought it is time to set the record straight.

In order to be systematic, we will address this topic at the hand of these 10 points of which the last article can be found on the website:

  1. The person and nature of Jesus
  2. God incarnate
  3. Jesus, both man and God
  4. Prophecies pertaining to Jesus
  5. Jesus the Messiah
  6. Jesus the suffering servant
  7. Jesus of Nazareth
  8. Jesus, the good Shepherd
  9. The Angel of the Lord
  10. The reign of Melchizedek
  11. Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb

We will strive to remain as objective as possible to ensure that we give a balanced view when weighing up the evidence and comparing sources.

Not only those found in the scriptures, but also from secular writers, although the Scriptures should ultimately take precedence over any other writing, especially when referring to the deity of Christ – fully Man, yet fully God – as is the case with any other religion when referring to their prophets or gods in their writings.

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