
Deuteronomy 32 v 4 - 6, 9
The rebellious people

See now that I, I Am He, and there is no god besides Me; it is I who put to death and give life.  I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is no one who can deliver from My hand.” (Vers 39)

This passage comes at a time where Moses had finished writing the law and the Israelites have once again abandoned the Lord and sought after other gods.

He compares the “foolish and unwise” people, who are perverse and crooked to God, who is righteous, upright, faithful and just.  In the preceding chapter he addresses them and mentions their rebellion while he was alive, and how much more they will rebel when he is no longer with them.

Moses didn’t prophesy this, but simply pointed out the fallen nature of man and how we have a tendency to be unfaithful.  He told the people that they should take to heart the words of the law that he had written and make it part of their conduct.

This is where we lack understanding of what it truly means to live according to God’s word and His instructions (vers 28 – 29).  Even though we are under grace and set free from the bondage of the law, that cannot save us, nor redeem us, we are required to live according to Christ’s higher spiritual law.

We should love God with all our heart, if we choose to and our neighbour as ourselves, should we wish to do so, for the whole law hang on these two commandments and this is how Jesus fulfilled the law.  He restored the path to the Father, so that we might once again be able to fellowship with Him, without the need of an earthly priest to atone for our sins through blood sacrifice.

Let’s not provoke the Lord to anger, by seeking after other gods and idols.  He is God, and surely if He is God and our Creator, He has the right to be jealous, although not the human kind, for we are self-centered, but rather of the Godly kind, for we are of God and as His children He wants what is best for us and able to provide, if only we would allow Him to.

Seek the Lord in everything you do.  Consult Him about the simplest matter and above all, put Him first and the rest will be taken care of.  Seek His kingdom and the rest will be added unto you.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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