
Mat 3 v 1-12; Acts 3 v 1-26; Ps 5 v 1-12; Gen 12 v 1 - 14 v 24
Empowered by the Holy Spirit

It seems like John and the others had a special gift, besides having their faith in common, they were also empowered by the Holy Spirit.

John, who lived in and ate of the field, preached repentance and baptized with water, while proclaiming and preparing the way for Jesus, who would pour out His Spirit on those who would continue His work.

Peter healed the lame beggar and then explained how the same Jesus who they (the people) crucified, granted him this healing power, but more so on the basis of faith in His name, the man was healed.

David believed in the power of prayer. He knew that his prayers never fell on deaf ears, regardless of his circumstances. He trusted God to be faithful and relied on His word, knowing God was just and righteous.

Abram left everything behind, as God instructed Him to do and started his journey to Egypt, not knowing what to expect, but boldly setting out in obedience.

Do not quench the Holy Spirit and allow Him to manifest in your life. The Holy Spirit is our mediator and should lead us in prayer, guiding us in our fellowship with God and others. He Should be our teacher in all things. Only then will we be able to live a spirit filled life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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