
Mat 1 v 18-25; Acts 1 v 12-26; Ps 2 v 1-12; Gen 3 v 1 - 4 v 26
Cursed is the ground

Jesus was born into a world of sin for one purpose. He came to rescue us from our fallen nature due to the rebellion of the very people He created in His image.

This didn’t mean that He would turn the world back into paradise again, for this wouldn’t necessarily change people’s hearts. There was a price to pay for the disobedience and God made it very clear that from that point onwards we were to earn our living through toil and suffering.

The earth became a battle ground for kings, fighting over territory, taking the lives of many people. God didn’t accept Cain’s offering that came from the ground and it was on the ground where Judas’ blood was spilled.

We have the opportunity to prepare our fields for harvest if we sow seeds of righteousness. Our soil can become fruitful for the Lord again, if we worship Him in obedience. May He bless the work of your hands abundantly.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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