
Mat 5 v 33-48; Acts 8 v 1-25; Ps 13 v 1-6; Gen 31 v 1-55
Word of honour

But let your statement be ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil” (Mat 5 v 37)

How often do you come across people, whose actions contradict what they say they would do and they end up doing the exact opposite to that which they have promised you?

Laban was guilty of this. He promised Jacob that he could marry Rachel and ended up giving him Leah. Jacob also deceived his father, pretending to be his brother, Esau. Even Rachel pretended that she couldn’t stand up when her father entered her tent, in search of his property, which she had taken.

Jesus was very clear about making an oath and also making false vows as well as bearing false witness, which is nothing less than deceit. Even Simon the magician, deceived the people “claiming to be someone great” (Acts 8 v 9).

Is your word honourable? Can anyone rely on your testimony and take what you say at face value? Be sure to always speak the truth and let your actions line up with what you say. God says that people will know you by your fruit and therefore it is crucial that your Yes, be yes and your No, be no.

Our biggest downfall as believers is this false ideology that we can manupilate what we say or do as long as we do not harm others, but we forget that ultimately we will stand before the living God when He will judge us according to our works.

Always be honest and transparent in your dealings with others. Your testimony as a child of God depends on this. The people of this world are watching us with hawk eyes, waiting to point out any mistake you and I may make, simply to justify their belief that we are no different. Don’t give anyone an opportunity to call you a liar of deceiver.

Walk upright in righteousness, speaking the truth at all times, so that others may look at you and see the light of God shining through you.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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