
Food for thought
Thanksgiving and praise

Today I would simply like to give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness, His patience with us and above all, His forgiveness and grace.

I thank the Lord for His word of truth, a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet and the power of prayer, knowing that He will grant us anything we ask in His Name, such as wisdom and discernment.

All the glory and honour to our Creator and Sustainer, Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who bore our sins and was afflicted for our transgressions. He has risen and for this reason we have hope, looking forward to His promised return.

I thank the Lord, our God, for His provision, knowing He will give us what we need and even spoil us if He deems it His will and this is why I pray that He will give us just enough so that we do not have to steal and not too much that we forget about Him.

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who delivered His people from the hands of their enemies. He sustained them in the wilderness, providing shade, through a cloud by day and heat through fire by night.

May God the Father, we call Yahweh, and His Son Jesus, Yeshua be your refuge. Place your hope and your trust in Him. Allow His Spirit to lead the way and guide you according to the scriptures. May His truth be in your heart and on your lips every moment of every day.

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