
Mat 5 v 1-12; Acts 6 v 1-15; Ps 10 v 1-18; Gen 25 v 1 - 26 v 35
Blessed are we

Have you seen what happens when one tries to fight fire with fire? It is impossible to quench the rage and the other person is not easily persuaded anyway, nor moved an inch from their stance.

Is it not worth more to be called a son of God, than to win an argument? Surely the one is eternal, while the other merely provides temporary satisfaction to the flesh…

Isaac did not retaliate when the dispute over the wells started and moved away from there and the Lord blessed him and provided them with another well. Would we do the same, or simply claim it as our own at every and any cost?

Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, full of grace and power, spoke with wisdom and even when those who opposed him “put forward false witnesses“, just like Jesus said would happen, he didn’t cause an uproar, but requested that they listen to what he had to say.

It all comes down to pride. Man has become so proud and entitled that we see less gentleness, no longer a thirst for righteousness, while our hearts have hardened against the Lord and others, thinking we no longer require Him.

Where are those “men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom“? The pure in heart, the ones who show mercy to others and mourn over the dreadful state of this world… Blessed are we, who are “poor” in spirit, when we walk in humility and undergo all kinds of persecution for His Name sake, for our reward in heaven is great!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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