
Mat 4 v 18-25; Acts 5 v 17-42; Ps 9 v 1-20; Gen 24 v 1-67
The Chosen ones

Whether it was the disciples, chosen by Jesus himself or Rebekah, chosen as Isaac’s bride, they all had a purpose to fulfill and sometimes those who are chosen suffer a great deal at the hands of others and other times they are spoilt by the Lord.

Regardless of who you are and your position in life, God has a purpose for each one in His kingdom. That does not mean we have to wait until we are united with Him one day in the distant future. We are called to work in His kingdom, even now, for His kingdom is not of this world.

I urge you to seek His kingdom, knowing that whatever you need will be given to you. God selects normal people, like you and me, to fulfill His good work and He can use you where you are with whatever means you have at your disposal.

Even after they were flogged the disciples rejoiced and continued teaching in the Name of Jesus. They were chosen to do a specific job and no man would silence them. Even the institution of those days could not get them to keep quiet.

May we too, like David, give praise to the Lord, who is just and righteous. He does not forsake those who seek Him, “for many are called, but few are chosen” (Mat 22 v 14) [NLT], not because only an “elect” few have the privilege, but simply because not many are willing to give up their worldly pleasures, security and comfort.

Pay attention. God wants to use you today for His intended purpose. The only way to live a prosperous and truly successful life in this world, is to submit to the perfect will of God. Does this mean we won’t suffer? absolutely not. We will suffer for His Name sake, and as a result, not only receive an invitation, but will be chosen to attend the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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