
Mat 6 v 16-24; Acts 9 v 1-19; Ps 15 v 1-5; Gen 34 v 1 - 35 v 29
Your heart is where your treasure lies

“…but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys…” (Mat 6 v 20

Jesus says, we have our reward in full if we want to be noticed by men. This means that the compliments we receive, will be the sum total of our reward. Think about it…

Would you rather be noticed by men, whose hearts are mostly focused on the material, while chasing after wealth, or would you choose to serve God and receive His “everlasting and eternal” reward?

If you choose the things of the world, your reward is temporary and only satisfies the flesh for a short period anyway. Those who follow the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly, walk with integrity, practice righteousness and speak the truth. They do not slander, nor do evil to others and honour those who fear the Lord.

Paul, who found favour among the people, before he came to faith, was revered and feared, because of the way he persecuted the followers of Jesus. After his conversion, he too suffered at the hands of those, who in turn, persecuted believers, but through all that he endured, he continued to serve the Lord, for he knew his reward awaited him in heaven.

Check your account with the Lord today. Make sure that your estate is in order and that your heart is true to the living God. Serve Him and Him alone and do not fall into the trap of chasing after wealth that will soon come to nothing anyway.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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