
Prayer for today
Times and Epochs

There is so much happening in the world at the moment and while it seems that everything is spinning out of control, we should take heed that God’s plan is unfolding in front of our eyes.

We can rest assured, knowing the Scriptures are true and God is faithful to His word. He cannot contradict Himself as many would say and the proof is in the bible, if we will only read.

My Prayer for today is that you will kneel before the living God in humility, allowing Him to reveal the treasures of His written word through the Holy Spirit, removing the veil that is causing you not to see His truth.

Even though we cannot know the future, God has revealed so much already about the “times and epochs“, we can be sure that the events will pan out just as it has been prophesied by the men of old.

The more I read the word, the more it makes sense. Seek God in the Scriptures and He will make known to you the treasures of Heaven and that which awaits us, should we press on and complete the race.

We might even be alive, when all the things Daniel and John wrote about, takes place. May you hold fast to your faith in the Living God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Be sure of this – He will return as a conquering King to judge the nations who have rejected Him.

When the day of the Lord is upon the earth, we can look up and witness our redemption. Amen

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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