
Ps 91 v 1-16 and Isa6 v 1-8

The Lord is our deliverer, our refuge and fortress, our rock on whom we can rely.  Draw near to Him and He will protect you from the onslaughts of this world.  Remember, the heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool and the foundations tremble at the voice of the Lord.  How am I worthy to even call His name???  He has taken away our iniquities and forgiven our sin by grace and grace alone.  Today I choose to serve the Most High with every breath and every heart beat.


Agreed Wessel.  Christ should become more so that we can become humble servants, once again…  today’s scriptures are from Songs of Solomon 2 v 3-17 and Hebrews 10 v 19-25

My prayer is that if you feel distant from the Lord that you will draw near to Him, with a sincere heart, as His beloved and start having an intimate relationship with Him again.  Hold fast because He is faithful and we can be confident in this new life He has granted us.   He loved us with a love that was love personified.  A Godly love.  A Sacrificial love.  A love one can only understand when you are willing to give your life for the ones you love.  The question begging, off course, is this:  Are we willing to give up self and the wants of the flesh, before even considering giving up our lives….?  Have a blessed day while you carry your cross and follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Saviour


1 Kings 18 v 16-39 and Micah 6 v 1-8

Let’s not follow the masses who seem to choose Baal over God…  let’s continue to serve the God of Israel, Yahweh. The One and only true God who has given His life, literally so that we may live.  Our God, who is no longer pleased through burnt offerings, but wants us to do what is right in His sight, that we may love kindness and walk in humility with Him.  Choose Him today above all things that this world can offer and you will not be disappointed, for He has saved us from the bondage of sin and slavery to this world.  Choose to live a sanctified life in the presence of our Messiah.  Amen


Join me in spending some quality time with the Lord.  Today’s scriptures are from Exo 3 v 1-12; Acts 7 v 30-33 and Rev 7 v 9-17

Can you imagine a time when the Lamb of God will be our Shepherd and God, Himself, will wipe every tear from our eyes?! For now, until that day, we should strive to live like Moses did.  Honouring the God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob, for He is the Holy one, Elohim.  Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be to our God forever and ever! 


Walk in the Spirit and you will not fullfill the lusts of the flesh…  how relevant is this to loving God and fulfilling your purpose one might ask?!  The more I try and do good, the more I fail and end up like paul said, “… the things I don’t want to do and even hate, I end up doing and the very things I want to do I don’t…” [paraphrase]

On the one hand we are so exposed to the elements and our minds get filled with the filth of this world on a daily basis, to such an extent, that it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on our Lord and Saviour.  On the flip side Jesus says “if we love Him we will obey His commandments…”

Then there is God’s grace.  A concept I battled with for a long time and realized God is just as merciful as He is just and righteous and therefore we cannot abuse His undeserved mercy…  unmerited favour…  grace paid for by the blood of Christ and therefore has not come cheap. 

My prayer is this.  May the Lord our God, the Sovereign King, Creator of everything and giver of life grant us the grace to seek Him with all our heart and long after a fruitful relationship with the One who created us in His image.  May His image be upon us as we give ourselves over fully to Him, knowing this…  besides Him and a life dedicated to Him there is no purpose!  Amen


Continuing from yesterday, I thank God for giving part of Himself in the form of our Messiah so that through His sacrifice we are reconciled with Him after being cut off from our fellowship with Him, due to the fall of man and the consequences of the choice(s) made in Genesis. 

The question begging is this: 

who is man that God is mindful of him?

He gave us purpose by giving us authority over the works of His hands.  Having said this, we can only understand our purpose if we seek the Lord, acknowledge Him in our decisions and love Him above all things.  Glorify God in both the good times and also during our trials and tribulations.  Give Him the honour He deserves and place all your hope in Him, trusting His judgement that He will make all things work together for the good of those who (truly) love Him. 

Have a blessed day and remember to love your neighbour as yourself, pray for your enemies and show compassion to those in need.



“How do we love God with our whole being?”

Since he created us for His glory, we should (and would want to) glorify Him as our Creator and live a life of dedication, praise and worship every day in reverence and obedience as faithful servants, understanding that we need God in order for our lives to make any sense and as a result live with purpose.  He does, after all, sustain us both physically and spiritually.  To God I give all the praise, glory and honour.  He is the Ancient of days


Dear brothers.  I would like to start this week with one goal in mind and one goal only…  to love the Lord our God with all my heart, all my mind, all my soul and all my strength and my fellow beings as myself.  In doing the above and living according to His will we testify to the work of God and acknowledge His sovereignty and through this people recognize us by our fruits.  Let’s spend today in prayer while driving to work and even dealing with our daily challenges.  Have a blessed day

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