
Walk in the Spirit and you will not fullfill the lusts of the flesh…  how relevant is this to loving God and fulfilling your purpose one might ask?!  The more I try and do good, the more I fail and end up like paul said, “… the things I don’t want to do and even hate, I end up doing and the very things I want to do I don’t…” [paraphrase]

On the one hand we are so exposed to the elements and our minds get filled with the filth of this world on a daily basis, to such an extent, that it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on our Lord and Saviour.  On the flip side Jesus says “if we love Him we will obey His commandments…”

Then there is God’s grace.  A concept I battled with for a long time and realized God is just as merciful as He is just and righteous and therefore we cannot abuse His undeserved mercy…  unmerited favour…  grace paid for by the blood of Christ and therefore has not come cheap. 

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