
Mat 9 v 27-38; Acts 14 v 1-28; Ps 22 v 12-31; Gen 49 v 1-33
The harvest is plentiful

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” (Mat 9 v 38)

There are so many souls to win for Christ, yet so little time! Just look at Paul and Barnabas and how they persisted in spreading the gospel to the gentiles.

They were persecuted by the religious and even stoned, for preaching the cross and repentance. Today, it’s exactly the same. We are rejected for proclaiming Jesus’ forgiveness of sins. The world does not want to hear they are sinners, for then they would have to acknowledge God and submit to His authority.

How many people do we deal with on a daily basis that need the Lord’s salvation? Sometimes it seems that we are simply content with allowing others to continue in their false belief that either, there is no God or that religion is not for everyone, or even that God knows the hearts of those who are caught up in false religions.

It feels that we are comfortable with the idea that going to church is just enough and if we attend a mid-week bible study, we have given much of ourselves to the Lord… What happened to living a Christ-filled and Christ-centered life? A life revolving around God and His word. Not just talking about our faith, but living it!

We have become lukewarm and it is because of this that there are very little workers of the faith left to sow, not even to mention harvest! It is our calling to make God known to the world in this “cancel culture” where everything that is acceptable to God is replaced with the evil this world has produced.

Let’s make it our mission, first and foremost, to stand up for our faith and “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” (1 Pet 3 v 15) [NIV]

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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