
Mat 9 v 1-13; Acts 13 v 1-25; Ps 21 v 1-13; Gen 46 v 1 - 47 v 31
Sinners seek healing

It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.” (Mat 9 v 12)

Whether you are physically or spiritually ill, you need a physician. God may use men to heal us physically, but only Jesus can restore our spirit.

The scribes and pharisees did not feel that they needed healing of any kind, for they considered themselves righteous, chosen by God and were very annoyed with this man who claimed to have authority over sin.

You might deal with many people on a daily basis, especially if you are a missionary or even if you work with various clients, you will know that majority of the people are convinced they are “fine”, regardless if they are unsaved or caught up in religion.

Just look at Elymas for example. He attempted to turn the proconsul away from the truth, when there was an opportunity for him to accept the faith after he (the proconsul) wanted to hear the truth from Paul and Barnabas.

Many of us are simply content with the manner in which we either serve the Lord through religious ceremonies and rituals or even worse, living our lives without the knowledge of the truth, supressing the conviction that we need to be healed spiritually and saved from our sinful nature.

Sometimes it may be frustrating to deal with people who see no wrong in the way the conduct their lives and that will give us an indication of how we often deal with the Lord, thinking we are righteous, not realising our best efforts are like filthy rags before Him.

May the Lord open our spiritual eyes and ears so that we may see our shortcomings and hear His voice of truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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