
Trust in the Lord…


Patience and longsuffering…

Please join me for 7 days on humility starting this Sunday.  As believers we need to be cautious as we can become spiritually proud and need to ask the Lord to guard our hearts against this, so that we don’t end up thinking we can stand by ourselves and then fall. Have a blessed day


The invitation stands…


Heavenly Father, Rock of ages, King of kings and Lord of Lords. We kneel at your feet, not worthy to even tie the laces of your shoe – yet you have bought us with your blood.  Falling short of your glory – yet You have exhalted us and have set us free so that we are restored in you.  Bound to the flesh in this life that is dictated by the soul – yet our spirit longs for you, while conforming to the heavenly things, the things of your kingdom, which is not of this world, for we have the mind of Christ.  Speak to our spirit Lord so that we can live according to your perfect will.  Mould us into beings that reflect your love, grace, kindness and compassion in a world that is desperate and falling apart.  Brothers, let us remain humble, seeking God with every breath, not abiding to wordly standards, but adhering to God’s. Blessings in Jesus


2 Cor 5 v 1-21

Vers 6-8

Can we truly say that we walk by faith and not by sight?  Let’s press on and strive to rather be at home with the Lord, instead of the body and the enticing things of the world that the flesh longs for. 

Vers 20,21

Therefore go into the world today as ambassadors for Christ, Who knew no sin, yet became sin to pardon us, so that we might become the righteousness of God, who reconciled us to Himself.

Be of good courage brothers and stand firm in your faith, which is built on a solid foundation, our rock and Saviour.  Blessings in Jesus


1 Cor 4 v 8-21

Vers 12 “….  when we are reviled [do] we bless, or do we retaliate?  When we are persecuted [do] we endure, or do we simply give up and give in?  When we are slandered [do] we try to conciliate, or do we allow the flesh to respond? 

May we as servants of the Lord who’s ways are (supposed to be) in Christ, go out, into this world with love and a spirit of gentleness and through our actions, win people for the Kingdom.  Have a blessed day


1 Cor 4 v 1-7

Are you a trustworthy servant of Christ and steward of what you have received?  Do you walk with a clear conscience before the Lord, who will one day disclose the motives of our hearts?  Remember that everything we have, we have received by grace and nothing we have achieved has been done through our own strength…  blessings dear brothers


1 Cor 3 v 10-23

Christ is our foundation, we are God’s temple and our “body” belongs to Him.  Continue to build on this Foundation with the grace He granted us and the love He bestowed on us.  These will stand the test of time.  Not worldly things that can and will be consumed by fire.  We should also show mercy to others who are still building on the Foundation with temporary  things.  Be patient and kind towards our brothers who boast in men and consider them to be wise.  Each of us have to learn the lessons in this life and fullfill God’s purpose for us, even if we have to be saved, “yet so as through fire.” Have a blessed day


1 Cor 3 v 1-9

How many “infants in Christ” do you know?  I know quite a few and have learnt that you cannot plant, water and also think you can cause growth by forcing “solid food” down their throats.  I have learnt to simply plant a seed in season or to water where someone else has planted and ultimately leave the growth up to God.  He knows our hearts, He knows who is really seeking Him.  “We are God’s fellow workers”, no one more important the next person.  Continue in His work brothers and be a true brother for someone in need.  Let’s practice what we preach and show the rest of God’s “children” what it means to mature in Christ.


1 Cor 2 v 1-16

Vers 14 and 15 “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are FOOLISHNESS to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised [discerned].  15 But he who is spiritual, appraises [examines] all things, yet he himself is appraised [judged] by no one.”

I have simply used synonyms above which seem appropriate in that context.  What do you think? 

Vers 10 says “…  the Spirit searches [examines] all things…” shouldn’t we do the same…  have a blessed day


1 Cor 1 v 18-31

The second half of the chapter talks about how God uses, what may seem foolish to the world, to accomplish His goal – the message of salvation…  to the religious a stumbling block and to the rest of the world foolishness”.

One can see how easy it is not to believe, just look at the world and its people and how they mock the living God.  Let us live righteous lives, according to the will of God, so that we can be both salt and lighh to the people of this dark world.  Do not be phased by the majority, the masses who laugh at us and the Lord.  I’d rather choose “foolishness” and please God than seek man’s favour.  Have a blessed day


I am in ABSOLUTE awe this morning after I paged to 1 Cor 1…  please read from v 1-17 and notice vers 10;

“Now I exhort you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

May the Lord lead us this week in prayer.  May the Spirit guide our thoughts, our every step.  Focus on Christ and humble yourselves before Him.  Let Him have His way with us dear brothers.  Be willing and be available.  Blessings in Jesus.


Matt 18 v 15-20;  2 Thes 1 v 3-12;  Rev 11 v 15-19

I thank God that where two or three gather in His Name, He is in their midst.  Let us be thankful for the gift of salvation, let us wordhip Him in spirit and in truth like the disciples did, like the angels in heaven and all those who have given their lives for the truth of the Gospel.  Let us be worthy of our calling and remain faithful to the One who has given us life.  Our Lord and Saviour who will return to rule with His saints. Praise be to the Almighty.


Acts 10 v 24-43

Who are we to call anyone unholy or unclean as God does not show partiality and everyone that fears him, anyone that does what is right is welcome to Him.  Yes, they still have to acknowledge Him and accept His grace, but He has a “case” with each and everyone of us, whether Jew or gentile, religious or atheist, God knows our hearts and is longing for a personal relationship with Him, because we were made in His image and He gave a part of Himself and bore our sins (1 Pet 2 v 24).  Glory to the Lord in the highest place.


1 Kings 8 v 22-30;  Matt 14 v 26-33

Shall we re-dedicate ourselves today and walk before the Lord with all our hearts?  Sometimes I wonder if we truly realize who the God of creation really is…  The God whom cannot be contained and is not limited to the work of His hands.  Our Lord and Saviour, who is not bound by time and space and sees the beginning from the end.  God, who gives us free will to choose. 

Therefore, let us take courage today and reach out to God like Peter did, knowing He will stretch out His hand if we seek Him sincerely.  Let us be willing to follow Him wherever the Spirit may lead us.  Do not be afraid, for He is with us.  Have a blessed day


Exo 33 v 14-23;  1 Kings 19 v 9-18;  Heb 9 v 24-28

May we too find favor in the Lord’s sight, like Moses and Elijah did and may we be blessed with His presence, through the Spirit, His still small voice, gently blowing. This is only possible if we too, are zealous for our Saviour, Who died once, for all, being the ultimate sacrifice.  Seek Him wholeheartedly, knowing He will come again to redeem us.


Exo 19 v 1-25

It might seem that under the law there were so many do’s and dont’s and rituals, but now that we live under grace do we “consecrate” ourselves before God?  Are we really living a spirit filled life that we are so quick to point out?  Yes, Christ fullfilled the law and instead raised the standard to a higher spiritual law that’s written on our hearts…  my prayer is that the Lord will cleanse our hearts and minds so that we may be in rightstanding with the Almighty.  🙏 have a blessed day


Gen 32 v 22-32;  Exo 34 v 29-35;    Matt 27 v 50-54

Are we prepared to meet our Creator should our earthly journey come to an end today or tomorrow?  Can we stand face to face with the Sovereignty of the Almighty God?  Are we willing to sacrifice everything this world has to offer and trust fully in the Lord for our daily provision?  Jacob wrestled with the Lord, Moses met and spoke with Him, while knowing who He was.  The guards only acknowledged Him after His death…  but at least they did acknowledge Him… I thank our Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel for our salvation.  I thank Him for His loving kindness and grace.  Thank you Lord that we may call you our Father in Heaven.  May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.  Yours in Christ

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