
Deut 1 v 1 - 3 v 29
The Greatness of God

O Lord God, you have begun to show your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?” (Deut 3 v 24)

God’s people experienced His greatness and saw His strong hand in their 40 year journey in the wilderness, a journey that apparently shouldn’t have taken longer than 6 weeks or so, but because of their stubbornness, they caused it to be dragged out, for the lessons that had to be learnt, prior to entering the promised land.

Has the Lord shown you an inheritance of some kind and you just cannot seem to reach that destination?

It might be that you are murmuring while on your journey or it could be that you have become distracted along the way, by the temptations of this world…  either way; you have not reached your full potential because you are wandering about in the desert, possibly longing after the things this world has to offer.

Remember that we were called out of this world when we came to faith and the Lord revealed the knowledge of the truth to us.  Once our journey with Him has started, it does not mean that we will never stumble and fall, but when we do, His strong hand will rescue us.

God made a promise to the nation of Israel that He kept and He has also promised us an inheritance, should we choose to obey Him and follow Him all of our days.  Do not allow the enemies to overcome you and the lusts of the flesh to overtake you.

Trust in the Lord’s promise, knowing that He is faithful.  He will never leave you, nor forsake you and you can count on Him to deliver you from evil.  God’s people had to wait for a whole generation to pass before entering the promised land.

We have the opportunity today to accept the Lord’s promise of eternal life should we surrender to Him.  If you feel like you are lost in the desert, allow the Lord to take you by the hand and lead you into His oasis of living water, for those who drink from His fountain will never thirst again.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 26 v 17-35; Rom 10 v 1-21
The true word of faith

“…that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved...” (Rom 10 v 9)

How many professing Christians do you know that base their belief on the above scripture, without bearing any fruits of righteousness?

I believe we are justified when we accept the death and resurrection of Jesus as atonement for our sin. This is followed by our sanctification process that continues until the day we transition to the next life. Many of us come from a background of “Churchianity”, where we have been taught certain principles regarding the Christian faith, which do not necessarily resonate with the word of God.

Christ, the Living Word, is not merely a concept taught on a Sunday at Church, although this is a good starting place for those seeking the true word of faith. Jesus, should be near us, in our mouth and in our heart (vers 8), each and every waking moment.

He should be the standard by which we breathe and live. How will we acknowledge our faithfulness to Him, just like Peter did and yet we fall short every day? He (Peter) made a promise that he would rather die than to deny the Lord Jesus and even he failed. How much more are we susceptible to so many half-truths that have been proclaimed over the centuries and even more so today…

“…for WHOEVER will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved…” (vers 13)

Can it be this simple to get saved or does this sound too good to be true?
There isn’t some magic recipe, nor is this privilege only for the “elect”.

God is very clear when He says that anyone can be saved and it is written; “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3 v 16) [NIV].

If you are seeking the truth regarding God and His Word, you have come to the right place. Join us on this journey as we take up our cross to follow Christ and even though this will not be an easy path, we rest assured knowing that He will not disappoint.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Ps 63 v 1-11; Deut 4 v 1-5 v 33
Yahweh is our God

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You...” (Ps 63 v 1)

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says that He is the Lord our God and just as He brought His people out of the Land of Egypt, in the same way He delivers us out of this world when we become His children.

The law that God wrote on the tablets of stone, He has also written on our hearts and even though we are under the law of grace, the same principles apply and we should meditate on this law day and night, for if we merely look at another with lust, we have committed adultery in our hearts.

Should we hate another, we have committed murder and when we covet our neighbours’ possessions, we might just as well have stolen it. The moment anything else takes the place of our Lord, we are guilty of idolatry.

Which god do you seek? The God of the bible, who is fair and just and keeps His word, or the god created by ourselves, moulded to our liking, who accommodates our lust and wants? There is no other God, who is personal, loving and holy, all-knowing and ever present, but above all, there is no other god that would become flesh and share in our pain and sorrows – that is to say – if those gods were alive and able to make such a choice.

Our God is righteous and because of what He has done, our righteousness is found in Christ. We thank the Lord for His goodness, kindness and selfless act of love. How can we ever be grateful enough for the fact that the God of creation sacrificed a part of Himself, to dwell among us and take all our sin and shame upon Him, so that we can be reconciled with Him.

For this reason we should praise Him day and night. Lift up your hands to the living God. He is our Father in Heaven. The earth is His footstool and we are His beloved children. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Meditate on His word and seek His presence. Call upon His Name and be saved.

To God all the glory and honour. Forever and ever. Amen.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 26 v 36-56; Ps 64 v 1-10
Thy will be done

My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will” (Mat 26 v 39)

Although Jesus was the perfect God-Man, He always acknowledged the Father for Who He was and never did anything out of His own free will without consulting the Father first.

Regardless of how confusing this may sound, the fact is that He considered Himself the Son of God, even though He was God in the flesh. This is part of the mystery of the triune God that we worship and if Jesus obeyed the Father, I am content to do the same.

Jesus came for a specific purpose and that was to become the sacrificial lamb to atone for our sins and while He was perfect and without sin, His “soul deeply grieved, to the point of death...” [paraphrase]. This is the beauty of the Scriptures. The bible is brutally honest and we can have peace of mind and rest assured that we serve an honest God.

My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done” (vers 42)

Jesus was willing to give up His free will, as a man, in order that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. God could have found another way by simply forgiving everyone for their wrongdoing and wipe the slate clean, but then He wouldn’t be just and fair, for all have sinned and fall short of His glory and without the shedding of blood their could be no forgiveness of sins.

Which god would give part of Himself, in the form of those He lovingly created, and suffer the humiliation and pain that Christ did? There is no other “religion” that offers atonement for sin the way the Christian faith does. Which worldview would you choose?

Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice to die the worse possible death imaginable, during those times, so that we may be forgiven for our transgressions, in order that we may come to the living God, justified through our faith in the risen Christ.

Let us also use our free will to seek the will of God for He knows best. He sees the beginning from the end and although He neither interferes, nor always intervenes, He makes everything work for the good of those who love Him.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Rom 11 v 1-24; Deut 6 v 1-8 v 20
Not by bread alone

“…man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord” (Deut 8 v 3)

The Lord humbled the Israelites when He freed them from the hand of Pharaoh, yet He still provided in abundance, even though they complained continually and longed back to Egypt.

Regardless of their murmuring and unbelief, God remained faithful to his promise and until this day the remnant remain His covenant people. While some of the natural branches were broken off for rejecting the Word of truth and we – the gentiles – were grafted in among the remaining few, we ought not become arrogant in thinking that we have now replaced them as God’s elect.

The reason for the above background is this;
We should learn from Israel’s mistakes and realise that it is by grace alone that we have received this Word of truth, which is God in the flesh, who revealed much of Himself in the from of Jesus, who is the living Word (John 1 v 1) and taught the things of His kingdom, of which there are many aspects still to be revealed.

My prayer for today is that we will seek the Lord with our whole heart and that He will reveal the treasures of His kingdom to us. Allow the Lord to teach you through His Spirit of Truth and listen to His still, small voice and above all, look to Him as the source of your salvation.

The Lord has much to teach us. Be open and willing to listen and learn from Him. May He soften our hearts, life the veil and open our spiritual eyes and ears to the meaning and understanding of His word.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 26 v 57-75; Deut 9 v 1-12 v 32
Worship the One, true God

Beware that your hearts are not deceived, and that you do not turn away and serve other gods and worship them” (Deut 11 v 16)

This passage was written to the people of Israel and yet it is so relevant to us today. God has not changed and surely people have also not changed. We are just as sinful and selfish as in the days of Moses.

When reading about Israel, I see so much of ourselves in them. We too, are not always content with that which the Lord provides, whether spiritual or material, and we are very quick to go elsewhere for some excitement or a spiritual experience.

We are told not to burn strange fire and often we have no problem to erect our own “golden calf”, while (almost) always being able to justify our actions one way or another. How do we expect God, who created us, to be satisfied with idol worship, when it is He, who wrote the law with His own finger?

This law, which is now written on our hearts, should be our compass to do what is right in the sight of the living God.

Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the Lord’s commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?” (Deut 10 v 12-13)

The Lord has nothing to gain by instructing us to obey His commandments, but we have everything to lose when we are disobedient. Just look at the price mankind had to pay in the days of Noah, when they mocked him, and the Lord, while refusing to obey God and just look at how that turned out for them…

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Prov 1 v 7) [NIV]

Just like a parent expects a child to listen to their instruction, the children of God are required to do the same. We cannot argue that there is no God and that is why the world is in chaos or even worse, say that “man is inherently good”. Just look around you and think hard about these statements.

These arguments defy the laws of logic completely and even contradict each other. If there is evil there has to be good and in the same way, if there is darkness, there has to be light. If there is good then there has to be a moral standard and if there is a moral standard, there has to be a law giver…

The world has rejected God because He does not conform to their standards and expectations, in the same way the people of God couldn’t wait for His instructions any longer and as a result formed for themselves an idol to worship.

Are you willing to seek the Lord wholeheartedly and love Him above everyone and everything else? If you love the Lord as a child of God, do you love Him as much as you ought to love Him? Do you have an affection for Jesus in your heart or will you deny Him when confronted by others? The answers to these questions will determine your path ahead and your walk with God.

Blessings in Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Rom 11 v 25-36; Ps 65 v 1-13
The riches of God

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!” (Rom 11 v 33)

The Lord has been God for a long time…
He established the mountains and the oceans and formed every living creature with the finest of detail.
Not to mention the heavens, comprising of all planets, stars and galaxies.

For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again?” (Rom 11 v 34-35)

Who are we to tell Him, how to sustain His creation, who should receive His mercy or who can be saved?
He allows rain to fall on the soil of both the believer and the unbeliever and causes their crops to grow.
He forgave the iniquities of His people, despite their disobedience, should they have decided to return to Him and offers us the same grace should we repent from our wrongdoing and (re)turn to Him.

There is nothing that we can charge to God’s account with us, for He has first provided. He gave us life from the beginning, while providing in our daily needs. He has also given us a new life in Christ, who is our advocate, together with the Holy Spirit, our counselor, who intercedes for us.

How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house , Your holy temple” (Ps 65 v 4)

Are you satisfied with what God has entrusted to you?
Some have received 10 talents, while others received 5 talents, but both put those talents to work and produced fruit. Do you feel you only have a single talent and cannot see how that can make a difference?

Use the resources God gave you to their full potential. God knows what He is doing and there is a reason why you may have only received a single talent. Honour God by putting that talent to work for the sake of His kingdom and to bring the good news of His salvation to those in desperate need thereof.

I pray for wisdom, knowledge and discernment to do the will of God and to seek His purpose for my life. Pray with me and let us give back to Him for He is faithful, trustworthy and merciful.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 27 v 1-10; Rom 12 v 1-8
Dedication through transformation

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12 v 2)

How do you worship as a believer and are you dedicated to serving God and others with your gifts, or do you simply attend fellowship once a week and consider that to be sufficient?

Many of us were raised in a culture of “Churchianity” where attending church once a week on a Sunday was the norm, while the rest of the week would be dedicated to work, leisure and family life. There is also the flip side to this. Just look at Judas. He walked with the Lord Jesus as a disciple, yet his heart was far removed from him and it seems that he had a predisposition towards money which proved the point that you cannot serve God and mammon.

If I understand it correctly, there should be a renewing of one’s mind when coming to faith in Christ. Everything changes, from the way you think and reason to the way you behave, regardless of where you are and the company you find yourself in. Whether you lead, through teaching or follow through serving, we ought to do what is “good and acceptable and perfect” in the sight of God.

Are you dedicated to transform into a being that loves the Lord wholeheartedly, committed to proclaiming His good news and treating others with kindness and grace or are you simply satisfied with having a form of godliness, showing up on a Sunday as a passive listener? God instructs us to be doers of His word. Our life should be dedicated to Him in obedience, seeking His will and not our own. We should bear each other’s burdens, praying continually, while living holy lives.

Often, this transformation goes hand in hand with a cleansing process through fire and if you are willing to follow the Lord Jesus and trust in Him for your salvation and provision, then you will experience hardship in many ways. The reward cannot be seen in this lifetime, although the fruits will multiply if you remain faithful.

If you are seeking the Lord today, whether you are being called out of religion as a “good person” or your life might be falling apart, allow the Lord to transform your thinking. He has to break that which has kept you from His presence. The pride that is in all of us, always lurking and just waiting to stick out its ugly face.

May the Lord soften your heart, so that you will be receptive to the working of His Spirit. Something that seems foolish to the world, which the natural man does not understand. Thanks to the Lord our God for His faithfulness and His love that endures forever.

God is dedicated to saving you. Are you willing to be saved?

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Ps 66 v 1-20; Deut 13 v 1-17 v 20
Our God is an AWESOME God

Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deed toward the sons of men” (Ps 66 v 5)

How do you experience the power and the works of God?
Once you are saved, after having turned to God through repentance, followed by putting your hope and your trust in Him, a change occurs over time…

Even though your walk with Lord will be filled with trials and tribulation, this cleansing process is necessary to rid you of all pride, in order to equip you to fully serve the Lord.
You will see the mighty hand of God work in your life. There won’t always be fireworks and lightning flashes and sometimes it might feel that you are alone in this world, just like David did, but know this;
God will never leave you, nor forsake you, and He is a God of His word.

The Lord has a way of moulding us into vessels for His greater purpose and will refine us through fire, so that we can stand blameless before Him, ready for His good work.
If you feel the Lord has neglected you, although you have called on Him, do not be dismayed for He is near…

Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul” (vers 16)

Do you fear the Lord?
If so, then it is time to “work OUT your own salvation in fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil 2 v 12-13) [ESV]

Quite often, I have wondered and questioned, asking the Lord “WHY?” this or that happened and soon came to realise that if I am to question God, I might not like what He has to say. This changed when I completely put my trust in Him to work His good and perfect will.

Serving the Lord in obedience can be challenging, but it is only through submitting ourselves to Him, that we start seeing the results of His deeds in our lives.
God knows best, because He is God. I have seen how it can drive people up the walls, when things happen, which are totally out of their control and they can only look on, without being able to do anything about the situation.

The Lord is clear that He doesn’t long after burnt offerings and sacrifices, but obedience. Let us commit to seeking His will, by putting the desires of our own flesh to death.
Allow the Lord, who is the Creator of the universe, always present and all-knowing to guide your steps, through His Spirit.

If this sounds like a fairy tale faith, you haven’t yet tasted the wonder-working power of God. You are missing out on a blessed relationship with the Living God, who has known you before the foundation of the world and formed you in your mother’s womb.

The God of heaven and earth wants to meet with you today. Do not delay, but call out to Him, that He may grant you unmerited favour. You cannot earn His grace, but you can accept it. Turn from this path of destruction you are on and seek the path that leads to righteousness and everlasting life.

The Lord has saved me out of a religion that is so misleading. A religion that branded me a good person, without the need of repentance. Thanks to God for opening my eyes and ears. He can do the same for you and will reveal Himself, if you truly seek Him and call upon His Name.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 27 v 11-26; Ps 67 v 1-7
His blood, our redemption

But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death” Mat 27 v 20)

From this passage it seems that Jesus found Himself at the mercy of men, as if they could determine the outcome of His trial. As born again, bible believing Christians, we understand that Jesus’ purpose was to come and die for the sins of the world, just as it was prophesied.

One could argue that Pilate, who was seemingly persuaded by his wife and the people, to have Barabbas freed and Jesus handed over for crucifixion, might have had the authority to change the outcome of the trial, yet it all played out exactly as it should have or else the prophets would have been found wanting.

There was no other way to atone for our rebellion against the God of creation and instead of thinking that if He was so powerful, why couldn’t He simply forgive us, consider the price that was paid for us to be redeemed and reconciled with God.

“…I am innocent of this man’s blood” (vers 24)

From our perspective and short sighted view of the events, Pilate seemed like a people’s pleaser, and rightfully so, but at least he acknowledged that Jesus was not guilty of any evil deed. This, of course, was not what the people wanted to hear, for they were dictated by those who felt threatened because of the message that Jesus preached.

Nothing that happened was a coincidence. Everyone played their part, some unknowingly, while others fulfilled their purposes just as it was written in the Scriptures. Jesus was to be trialed and crucified, whether you consider it to be the fulfillment of prophecy or not.

The question begging, is whether Pilate finally came to the knowledge of the truth, that he initially questioned when talking to Jesus. Yes, he had innocent blood on his hands and although he washed his hands in front of the people, one could argue that he must have known better, but simply wanted to protect his position.

Jesus also died for Him and I believe He was among those forgiven, for not knowing what they have done.

His blood shall be on us and our children...” (vers 25)

The crowd, emotionally stirred, was quick to respond and I can just see ourselves, making rash decisions, when we want things our way. Quite often, we do not stop to think about the consequences of our actions as long as we are satisfied.

We weren’t there that day, shouting “crucify Him, crucify Him!” although we can still decide to reject His death (and resurrection) today, or we can choose to praise God, be glad and sing for joy for His salvation among all nations (Ps 67 v 2-5).

Through His blood we are cleansed of all sin, should we accept God’s loving act of kindness and grace. He died, after being punished for our transgressions, although willingly, so that we can receive newness of life.

Praise and thanksgiving to the God of our salvation!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Rom 12 v 9-21; Deut 18 v 1-21 v 23
Live and let live

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men” (Rom 12 v 18)

We are supposed to be a blessing to others, whether it be our friend or foe. What is the first question that comes to mind for us as children of God? We have to correct those who step out of line, right? Isn’t this what the Lord instructs us to do as the salt of the earth and a light to the nations?

In vers 9 of Romans 12 we read that love should be without hypocrisy. It is also written that we should judge righteously (John 7 v 24), but that we should take the log out of our own eye first, before trying to remove the speck from our brothers eye (Mat 7 v 5).

Are we then supposed to simply go about our lives, accepting anything and everything that people do, without pointing out their wrongdoing? This is not what the Lord says, but what if we have missed the mark, while trying to show others how to live according to God’s will?

Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God, with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbour as ourselves. It seems, from my experience, that we have a hard time to get this right and yet we are very quick to point out other’s mistakes and sins. Jesus goes further to say that on these (commandments) the law and the prophets hang. We will never experience the love of God, the way we are supposed to, expressed through the suffering and death of our Saviour, if we try and live according to the law of Moses, thinking that this way we can please God and set an example to others.

We should be a living testimony to the world, truly loving God and reflecting His love in how we deal with people, especially ones who still cling to the world for their security. They will know us by our fruit and will quickly see if we practice what we preach. Always do what is right in the sight of God and I assure you people will notice and realise that you are His child, even if they are not yet ready to submit to Him.

Live in such a way as a follower of Jesus, that people almost envy you. Be gentle in the way you treat others. Show kindness and compassion, for there are many out there who are hurting and suffering, longing for freedom, yet looking for it in the wrong place. Give grace and plenty of it, for we too are sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory. It is also only by the grace of God that we can stand and testify to His amazing love.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May you prosper in your relationship with Him and others. May they experience God’s love through you, for you were made in His image, created to worship and serve Him and as a result of that become willing to serve others.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 27 v 27-44; Rom 13 v 1-14
Fulfillment of the law

Love does no wrong to a neighbour; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Rom 13 v 10)

Who is your neighbour?

The same Lord and God who experienced the wrath of the authorities, has instructed us to obey those that He has appointed as governors of society and even if we do not always agree with how things are managed, we should also consider these people to be our neighbours.

Children of God are called to worship Him alone and love Him wholeheartedly. Loving our neighbour as ourselves would then be a natural reaction and herein lies the problem. Do we really love God as much as we ought to love Him?

I believe we are all guilty of treating others poorly, regardless of whether it is intentional or not and I don’t think that a true child of God would be malicious in the way they treat another person, but still we need to ask ourselves if we truly love God and if we are willing to love others with the same sacrificial love that He showed towards us through His death under the Roman authorities.

“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law” (Rom 13 v 8)

God didn’t owe us anything, yet he sacrificed part of Himself for our sake, for He loved us so much that He became flesh in order to pardon us of our sins. He has fulfilled the law through His selfless act of love and we can too through loving others while paying our dues.

I therefore urge you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, not to waste any more time on petty arguments and being jealous of one another, but to fix your eyes on the risen Jesus. Follow His instructions and live according to His spiritual laws.

Live as children of the light and walk in obedience. Seek first the kingdom of God and the rest will be added unto you. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Your reward is still to come and you will not be disappointed.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Ps 68 v 1-35; Deur 22 v 1-26 v 19
The Lord’s dwelling place

To Him who rides upon the highest heavens, which are from ancient times; Behold, He speaks forth with His voice, a mighty voice” (Ps 68 v 33)

The earth is the Lord’s and everything that dwells within, the heavens, the whole universe He has created.  Through a spoken word everything that exists came into being.  The Lord our God, has been around even before the beginning of time –something our material minds cannot comprehend.

Who are we to question Him?  Think of His conversation with Job and how the Lord asked him, where he was when God laid the foundations of the earth.  How can we ascribe this beautiful creation to a random, unplanned process that belittles even our existence?

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same God who dwells in us, through His Spirit.  After all, we were created in His image.  We bear the image of God on us.  Think about it…  For what reason would He create man, other than to fellowship with Him? 

He blesses us with an oasis of living water, that never dries up, while the “rebellious dwell in a parched [dry] land” (Ps 68 v 6).  He is the God of our salvation and our deliverance (vers 19 & 20).  No one can escape His wrath, nor His love.  It is up to us to decide what we desire.

Ascribe strength to God; His majesty is over Israel and His strength is in the skies” (vers 34)

There is nothing and no one who can contain the Living God.  Why do we think that we can minister to Him and bargain with Him, while He is the Creator of everything the eye can (and also cannot) see?  He chose for Himself a covenant people, because He longs after fellowship with those He created.  This does not mean that He is dependent on man, does it?

God is our strength.  Our salvation is not dependent on us, but on what He did for us when He became a man to take our burdens on Him.  Give God the glory that He deserves.  Submit to His perfect will and love Him, because He loved you first.

Do not allow the “wonders of this world” to distract you from a relationship with the Living God, which seems foolish to the world.  Something the natural man cannot understand, for the Spirit of God is missing in their lives.  Seek the Lord with your whole being and you will not be disappointed.  Call on His Name today, while He can still be found. 

He knows you by your name.  He formed you in your mother’s womb.  Are you willing to sacrifice the luxuries this life has to offer, take up your cross and follow Him?  Jesus is the only way to know the Father and to understand the working of the Holy Spirit.  He is after all, the way, the truth and the life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Mat 27 v 45-56; Ps 69 v 1-18
Neither forgotten, not forsaken

Because for Your sake I have borne reproach…” (Ps 69 v 7)

Do you feel that the Lord has forsaken you and do you sometimes cry out in agony to the Lord your God?

Jesus, God incarnate… in the flesh… cried out to the Father.
He hung on that cross, forsaken by His own, with only a few followers remaining there with Him, but we know that He was neither forgotten, nor forsaken by God, the Father.

David cried out in distress, while waiting on the Lord for deliverance and even though he experienced tremendous rejection, he knew that God was present.
David almost seemed depressed and lost, although His hope was in the Lord, for he pleaded with Him to redeem his soul.

If you feel like Jesus today, or even David – rejected, lonely, anxious and depressed with no hope for tomorrow, do not be dismayed.
The God who we worship is a God of His word and He said that he would never leave us, nor forsake us.
Trust in the One who became a reproach for us, so that we may be delivered from eternal damnation.

My prayer for you today is that the Lord will meet with you, if you should seek His face.
He longs after fellowship with you and granted you the gift of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Call on His Name today and seek Him while He may still be found and remember that He knows you by your name.

Put your faith in the risen Christ and you will not be disappointed.
He will set you free from all depression and anxiety. Weep no more, for God is compassionate and His lovingkindness is never ending.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Rom 14 v 1-23; Deut 27 v 1-28 v 68
Abound in faith

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14 v 17)

Are you convinced that we are still bound by the law of Moses and that we cannot eat certain foods, neither wear certain clothing? If this is the case, yet our hearts and minds are distanced from the Lord, we are committing a dreadful sin.

For some, eating pork is a sin, while for others it is not and both parties will find scriptures to justify their conviction.
Who is right then? Is it really a matter of winning the argument?
As children of God, we are called to peace and “in (y)our relationships with one another, [to] have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Phil 2 v 5) [NIV]

There is so much more to our faith, than following a set of rules and thinking that through that we are being obedient to the Lord.
We have been indoctrinated through the ages and taught not to touch, neither to taste, but when you have tasted, not to swallow and yet God is very clear when He says that “whatever is not from faith is sin” (Rom 14 v 23). Of course, this also does not been that we can do anything in the name of faith, seeing that there are certain things children of God should not familiarize themselves with. The kind of things that harm the spirit and damage the soul…

What is faith really?
Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]” (Heb 11 v 1) [AMP]

Paul says that, “the faith which we have, we should have as our own conviction before God” (vers 23) [paraphrase]. Does this mean we can make up the substance of our own faith? I don’t believe this is what the writer is saying, but it clearly shows that he warns against using the material, i.e food, day of observance (worship), etc. to bring division among believers as is the case even today.

Our focus should therefore not be on what our brothers (and sisters) in Christ eat or do not eat, which day they observe as the sabbath, the materials they wear for clothing, the feasts they uphold, etc…
If a person considers something to be sin to them and they abstain from it, do not cause them to stumble. At the same time, if you do not consider something to be sin, yet doubt and convict yourself when you partake in a meal, festival or ritual, this is considered as sin.

Let us build up one another. Do not allow the material things to be the deciding matter in the spiritual realm. For God is Spirit and should be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Whatever you do, do it with the right conviction, being convinced that everything is done for the sake of Christ, who is the Head of the Church.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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