
Ps 66 v 1-20; Deut 13 v 1-17 v 20
Our God is an AWESOME God

Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deed toward the sons of men” (Ps 66 v 5)

How do you experience the power and the works of God?
Once you are saved, after having turned to God through repentance, followed by putting your hope and your trust in Him, a change occurs over time…

Even though your walk with Lord will be filled with trials and tribulation, this cleansing process is necessary to rid you of all pride, in order to equip you to fully serve the Lord.
You will see the mighty hand of God work in your life. There won’t always be fireworks and lightning flashes and sometimes it might feel that you are alone in this world, just like David did, but know this;
God will never leave you, nor forsake you, and He is a God of His word.

The Lord has a way of moulding us into vessels for His greater purpose and will refine us through fire, so that we can stand blameless before Him, ready for His good work.
If you feel the Lord has neglected you, although you have called on Him, do not be dismayed for He is near…

Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul” (vers 16)

Do you fear the Lord?
If so, then it is time to “work OUT your own salvation in fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil 2 v 12-13) [ESV]

Quite often, I have wondered and questioned, asking the Lord “WHY?” this or that happened and soon came to realise that if I am to question God, I might not like what He has to say. This changed when I completely put my trust in Him to work His good and perfect will.

Serving the Lord in obedience can be challenging, but it is only through submitting ourselves to Him, that we start seeing the results of His deeds in our lives.
God knows best, because He is God. I have seen how it can drive people up the walls, when things happen, which are totally out of their control and they can only look on, without being able to do anything about the situation.

The Lord is clear that He doesn’t long after burnt offerings and sacrifices, but obedience. Let us commit to seeking His will, by putting the desires of our own flesh to death.
Allow the Lord, who is the Creator of the universe, always present and all-knowing to guide your steps, through His Spirit.

If this sounds like a fairy tale faith, you haven’t yet tasted the wonder-working power of God. You are missing out on a blessed relationship with the Living God, who has known you before the foundation of the world and formed you in your mother’s womb.

The God of heaven and earth wants to meet with you today. Do not delay, but call out to Him, that He may grant you unmerited favour. You cannot earn His grace, but you can accept it. Turn from this path of destruction you are on and seek the path that leads to righteousness and everlasting life.

The Lord has saved me out of a religion that is so misleading. A religion that branded me a good person, without the need of repentance. Thanks to God for opening my eyes and ears. He can do the same for you and will reveal Himself, if you truly seek Him and call upon His Name.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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