
Mat 27 v 45-56; Ps 69 v 1-18
Neither forgotten, not forsaken

Because for Your sake I have borne reproach…” (Ps 69 v 7)

Do you feel that the Lord has forsaken you and do you sometimes cry out in agony to the Lord your God?

Jesus, God incarnate… in the flesh… cried out to the Father.
He hung on that cross, forsaken by His own, with only a few followers remaining there with Him, but we know that He was neither forgotten, nor forsaken by God, the Father.

David cried out in distress, while waiting on the Lord for deliverance and even though he experienced tremendous rejection, he knew that God was present.
David almost seemed depressed and lost, although His hope was in the Lord, for he pleaded with Him to redeem his soul.

If you feel like Jesus today, or even David – rejected, lonely, anxious and depressed with no hope for tomorrow, do not be dismayed.
The God who we worship is a God of His word and He said that he would never leave us, nor forsake us.
Trust in the One who became a reproach for us, so that we may be delivered from eternal damnation.

My prayer for you today is that the Lord will meet with you, if you should seek His face.
He longs after fellowship with you and granted you the gift of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Call on His Name today and seek Him while He may still be found and remember that He knows you by your name.

Put your faith in the risen Christ and you will not be disappointed.
He will set you free from all depression and anxiety. Weep no more, for God is compassionate and His lovingkindness is never ending.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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