
Ps 68 v 1-35; Deur 22 v 1-26 v 19
The Lord’s dwelling place

To Him who rides upon the highest heavens, which are from ancient times; Behold, He speaks forth with His voice, a mighty voice” (Ps 68 v 33)

The earth is the Lord’s and everything that dwells within, the heavens, the whole universe He has created.  Through a spoken word everything that exists came into being.  The Lord our God, has been around even before the beginning of time –something our material minds cannot comprehend.

Who are we to question Him?  Think of His conversation with Job and how the Lord asked him, where he was when God laid the foundations of the earth.  How can we ascribe this beautiful creation to a random, unplanned process that belittles even our existence?

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the same God who dwells in us, through His Spirit.  After all, we were created in His image.  We bear the image of God on us.  Think about it…  For what reason would He create man, other than to fellowship with Him? 

He blesses us with an oasis of living water, that never dries up, while the “rebellious dwell in a parched [dry] land” (Ps 68 v 6).  He is the God of our salvation and our deliverance (vers 19 & 20).  No one can escape His wrath, nor His love.  It is up to us to decide what we desire.

Ascribe strength to God; His majesty is over Israel and His strength is in the skies” (vers 34)

There is nothing and no one who can contain the Living God.  Why do we think that we can minister to Him and bargain with Him, while He is the Creator of everything the eye can (and also cannot) see?  He chose for Himself a covenant people, because He longs after fellowship with those He created.  This does not mean that He is dependent on man, does it?

God is our strength.  Our salvation is not dependent on us, but on what He did for us when He became a man to take our burdens on Him.  Give God the glory that He deserves.  Submit to His perfect will and love Him, because He loved you first.

Do not allow the “wonders of this world” to distract you from a relationship with the Living God, which seems foolish to the world.  Something the natural man cannot understand, for the Spirit of God is missing in their lives.  Seek the Lord with your whole being and you will not be disappointed.  Call on His Name today, while He can still be found. 

He knows you by your name.  He formed you in your mother’s womb.  Are you willing to sacrifice the luxuries this life has to offer, take up your cross and follow Him?  Jesus is the only way to know the Father and to understand the working of the Holy Spirit.  He is after all, the way, the truth and the life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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