
Rom 12 v 9-21; Deut 18 v 1-21 v 23
Live and let live

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men” (Rom 12 v 18)

We are supposed to be a blessing to others, whether it be our friend or foe. What is the first question that comes to mind for us as children of God? We have to correct those who step out of line, right? Isn’t this what the Lord instructs us to do as the salt of the earth and a light to the nations?

In vers 9 of Romans 12 we read that love should be without hypocrisy. It is also written that we should judge righteously (John 7 v 24), but that we should take the log out of our own eye first, before trying to remove the speck from our brothers eye (Mat 7 v 5).

Are we then supposed to simply go about our lives, accepting anything and everything that people do, without pointing out their wrongdoing? This is not what the Lord says, but what if we have missed the mark, while trying to show others how to live according to God’s will?

Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God, with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbour as ourselves. It seems, from my experience, that we have a hard time to get this right and yet we are very quick to point out other’s mistakes and sins. Jesus goes further to say that on these (commandments) the law and the prophets hang. We will never experience the love of God, the way we are supposed to, expressed through the suffering and death of our Saviour, if we try and live according to the law of Moses, thinking that this way we can please God and set an example to others.

We should be a living testimony to the world, truly loving God and reflecting His love in how we deal with people, especially ones who still cling to the world for their security. They will know us by our fruit and will quickly see if we practice what we preach. Always do what is right in the sight of God and I assure you people will notice and realise that you are His child, even if they are not yet ready to submit to Him.

Live in such a way as a follower of Jesus, that people almost envy you. Be gentle in the way you treat others. Show kindness and compassion, for there are many out there who are hurting and suffering, longing for freedom, yet looking for it in the wrong place. Give grace and plenty of it, for we too are sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory. It is also only by the grace of God that we can stand and testify to His amazing love.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May you prosper in your relationship with Him and others. May they experience God’s love through you, for you were made in His image, created to worship and serve Him and as a result of that become willing to serve others.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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