
Mat 27 v 11-26; Ps 67 v 1-7
His blood, our redemption

But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to put Jesus to death” Mat 27 v 20)

From this passage it seems that Jesus found Himself at the mercy of men, as if they could determine the outcome of His trial. As born again, bible believing Christians, we understand that Jesus’ purpose was to come and die for the sins of the world, just as it was prophesied.

One could argue that Pilate, who was seemingly persuaded by his wife and the people, to have Barabbas freed and Jesus handed over for crucifixion, might have had the authority to change the outcome of the trial, yet it all played out exactly as it should have or else the prophets would have been found wanting.

There was no other way to atone for our rebellion against the God of creation and instead of thinking that if He was so powerful, why couldn’t He simply forgive us, consider the price that was paid for us to be redeemed and reconciled with God.

“…I am innocent of this man’s blood” (vers 24)

From our perspective and short sighted view of the events, Pilate seemed like a people’s pleaser, and rightfully so, but at least he acknowledged that Jesus was not guilty of any evil deed. This, of course, was not what the people wanted to hear, for they were dictated by those who felt threatened because of the message that Jesus preached.

Nothing that happened was a coincidence. Everyone played their part, some unknowingly, while others fulfilled their purposes just as it was written in the Scriptures. Jesus was to be trialed and crucified, whether you consider it to be the fulfillment of prophecy or not.

The question begging, is whether Pilate finally came to the knowledge of the truth, that he initially questioned when talking to Jesus. Yes, he had innocent blood on his hands and although he washed his hands in front of the people, one could argue that he must have known better, but simply wanted to protect his position.

Jesus also died for Him and I believe He was among those forgiven, for not knowing what they have done.

His blood shall be on us and our children...” (vers 25)

The crowd, emotionally stirred, was quick to respond and I can just see ourselves, making rash decisions, when we want things our way. Quite often, we do not stop to think about the consequences of our actions as long as we are satisfied.

We weren’t there that day, shouting “crucify Him, crucify Him!” although we can still decide to reject His death (and resurrection) today, or we can choose to praise God, be glad and sing for joy for His salvation among all nations (Ps 67 v 2-5).

Through His blood we are cleansed of all sin, should we accept God’s loving act of kindness and grace. He died, after being punished for our transgressions, although willingly, so that we can receive newness of life.

Praise and thanksgiving to the God of our salvation!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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